Jagmeet Singh

Majority Of MPs Votes For David Johnston To Step Down, Johnston Refuses

Based on Johston being so forward in actively opposing the wishes of Parliament, it seems like Justin Trudeau will continue using him as a shield, and likely accuse those wanting to get rid of Johonston of trying to interfere with his ongoing “investigation.”

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Trudeau And The Liberals’ Polling Numbers Slump Hard As Poilievre Gains Popularity

For a long while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party felt that they could rest easy despite being behind the Conservative Party for nearly a year in average polling numbers. This is because the Liberals could always point to “preferred prime minister” polling to show that a plurality of Canadians still preferred Trudeau over Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh.

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House Of Commons Votes For A Public Inquiry Into CCP Election Interference

Despite Trudeau trying to keep the investigation into election interference in the background by appointing a “special rapporteur” with connections to the Trudeau family and Liberal Party, the House of Commons voted in favour of launching a  public inquiry into election interference.

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Conservatives Take An 8 Point Polling Lead, While Trudeau And Singh’s Popularity Tumbles

What makes Singh’s neutral rating worse than Trudeau’s is Singh is in a position where it should be very easy to be popular. All he should be doing is attacking the Liberal government and trying to browbeat them into passing legislation he wants in exchange for providing NDP votes for Liberal legislation

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Jagmeet Singh – The Fancy Clown

Jagmeet Singh and his political party’s main talking point is that people who have luxury items are evil and stole their wealth from the rest of us. So when Jagmeet Singh posts a picture of his toddler in a Canada Goose jacket when the majority of Canadians are financially hurting you just have to shake your head.

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Canada’s Federal NDP Has An Anti-Semitism Problem, And Jagmeet Singh Is Cool With It

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) recently called out Jagmeet Singh and the federal NDP for anti-semitic rhetoric against the nation of Israel, and how the NDP and their socialist media allies reacted pretty much proves CIJA’s accusations.

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Saskatchewan NDP Rejecting Jagmeet Singh Could Trigger A Federal Election

Currently, Canada’s federal parliament is held together by a tentative alliance between Jagmeet Singh and Justin Trudeau. After the Liberals invoked the Emergencies Act on a group of peaceful protestors, Justin Trudeau found his political career on faulty footing due to some internal party pushback to the increasingly needless and draconian Covid laws. To secure […]

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Are Justin Trudeau And Jagmeet Singh Getting Divorced?

Right now all signs are pointing to an autumn divorce for Justin and Jagmeet who might not be able to make it a full year as a couple, but at least they made it longer than Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries.

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Canada’s Political Class Unifies Under Neville Chamberlain Style Appeasement Strategy

Perhaps in the case of Trudeau, his recent cabinet member appointee MPP Omar Alghabra, the only cabinet member in Canadian history who was previously denied entry into the United States due to terrorism concerns, is the strategic Islamist whispering in Trudeau’s ear.  Who is whispering in the ears of the rest of our political class? 

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The Liberals are Surging in the Polls Because There is no Opposition

This seems to be not a reflection of the popularity of Liberal government policy, since one would assume dislike of Trudeau’s leadership would translate to stagnant Liberal polling numbers, but their growth seems more or less proof of the fact that apathy is the strongest political force in Canada these days. 

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