Gender Theory

The Left Can’t Smear Away The “Leave Our Kids Alone” Movement

Parents are not going to stop caring about their children anytime soon, and when there are threats that they might lose said children for ideological reasons there is bound to be tension. Canada has a bad history of taking children out of the homes of their parents for having a different outlook on life than the Canadian establishment.

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Poilievre Out-foxes Trudeau In First Foray Into the Gender Ideology Debate

In terms of a purely political move, Poilievre’s gamble paid off as Justin Trudeau decided to step on the metaphorical bear trap that Poilievre avoided.  Justin Trudeau, pathologically unable to tolerate any political view that is not aligned with his own, decided to attack Premier Blaine Higgs over his very reasonable policies.

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Is Gender Ideology About To Collapse?

If there ever was an ideology that could be considered immune from reality, it would be gender theory.  The very inception of the phrase “gender” dates back to the 1950’s and the controversial researcher John Money, who thought that he could transition a boy that suffered a circumcision gone wrong into a girl. The boy […]

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