
Liberals are Very Late Releasing 2021 Budget – Not a Good Sign for Fiscal Conservatives

The next fiscal year starts on April 1 and MPs have been given no indication of what the budget is going to look like, outside of the fact that everyone at this point expects a Liberal government to run a massive deficit, and the longer the time it takes to present the budget the less fiscal restraint is to be expected.

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Chrystia Freeland Wants Access to Your Savings

From CERB to the mass shift towards EI the Liberals have done nothing to actually keep the economy afloat and instead have chosen to move the deck chairs around hoping it keeps everyone happy while the economy continues to sink lower.

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Liberals to Push Forward with Massive Debt Increase Despite Financial Sectors Warnings

Outside of the government executives from some of the largest banking institutions in Canada met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland and urged the government to get its debt under control and to commit to new debt limits. Right now Canada’s debt is pushing over $874 billion, $343 billion of which is due to COVID-19 related spending alone.

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Trudeau is Running Out of People to Throw Under the Bus

Trudeau of course always has more cabinet ministers around him to fire, but fewer and fewer Ministers who can really be said to have known better if something goes awry – an issue exasperated by the other Liberal ministers Trudeau has forced to resign in the past.

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