In his latest slap in the face to millions of legal firearm owners Trudeau blamed them for the rise in gun crime across the country, suggesting that if premiers would simply act faster in allowing their municipalities to ban handguns their problems would disappear.
“Evergreen” means that the rifle ban would be able to be automatically updated adding in new rifle models at will. Blair tried to justify this stating that, “because we know that the gun industry is agile and adept at bringing forward new models and variants in order to try to get around the rules,” which is just another way of saying that industries sometimes makes new products which Blair seems to think is an affront to him personally.
Wilson also brought up the fact firearms are not even close to the main method driving increasing suicide deaths. She said that, “It is noted that firearm is a distant third in preferred method of suicide and accounts for between 13-15% of all suicides in Canada, showing that the greater issue is a need for better mental health overall.”
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when they announced the Order In Council (OIC) “assault style” rifle ban on May 1st of this year tried to reassure hunters and sport shooters that the ban would not affect them.
I remember when I was in primary school, which was not that long ago, that the only resources ever shown in class regarding firearms and gun control were all blatantly left-wing sources. I myself, as a strong conservative, was significantly more pro-gun control after graduating from high school than I am today.
Municipalities being granted the power to decided on new restrictions and bans on handguns effectively hands the political responsibility for bans onto local government, while giving the federal government the go ahead to enforce firearms legislation it does not directly have to take political responsibility for.
When asked whether or not the Liberals may simply just deepen their current deficit spending to pay for the entirety of the firearms ban Giltaca said, “I fully expect the Liberal government to follow through with their plans entirely no matter how they choose to fund it.”
Nobody wants the exasperation of violence and that is exactly what increased gun ownership would help to avoid. The mob is very unlikely to try and victimize those who can competently defend themselves, and ANTIFA everyday shows how increasingly important firearms are in the task of proving your ability for self-defence.
So we should really start concentrating on looking at the key point. And that’s the criminals not the law abiding firearms owners. You know, I get vetted every day. I work at a gun store. I have never committed a crime. Why am I being punished for ones that have? I just can’t wrap my head around it.
The level of misinformation surrounding firearms and firearms ownership in Canada is increasing. Far too often our discourse on this topic is littered with stats and commentary aligned to conditions in the United States and not Canada. As a result, many Canadians, and many Canadian politicians, have inaccurate understandings of Canadian firearms laws. I’d like to […]
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