Erin O’Toole

The Toronto Sun Wants Pierre Poilievre To Be More Like Erin O’Toole

Despite Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre leading the party to a 9-10% lead over Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, the Toronto Sun’s editorial board is here to beg Poilievre to stop being so interesting and effective. 

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Claypool: Why The Red Tory Theory Of Politics Always Fails

Simply put, passion wins elections, not focus group-tested corporate messaging. Will the Red Tories strategists learn this? Probably not, but they wouldn’t continue to be Red Tories if they learned from their mistakes. 

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Erin O’Toole Has Become The Dictator Of The Conservative Party And Needs To Be Toppled

If the Conservative Party is ever going to reform and represent real Canadian Conservatives again, then the party’s dictator, Erin O’Toole, needs to be toppled and his insider allies need to be banned from the party. They have done more than enough harm to Canadian democracy.

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Conservative Senator Denise Batters Launches Leadership Review Petition For Erin O’Toole

Saskatchewan Conservative Senator Denise Batters shook up Canadian politics today by launching another petition calling for a leadership review of Erin O’Toole within the next six months.

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The Liberals are Surging in the Polls Because There is no Opposition

This seems to be not a reflection of the popularity of Liberal government policy, since one would assume dislike of Trudeau’s leadership would translate to stagnant Liberal polling numbers, but their growth seems more or less proof of the fact that apathy is the strongest political force in Canada these days. 

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Erin O’Toole Announces Conservative will Run on a Carbon Tax, Proving He’s a Liar

Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Erin O’Toole, in a move that goes against the position held by most delegates of the CPC, and the position he took during the 2020 leadership race, has announced that if elected he would still support the infamous carbon tax.

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O’Toole Refusing to Oppose Sex-Selective Abortion Shows he Lacks a Moral Backbone

Based on the polls, if any decently well-organized party made one of its main platform planks as being opposed to sex-selective abortion they would dominate the social policy debate. Seriously what would Trudeau, Singh, O’Toole, Blanchet, or Paul be able to say in favour of not banning a practice that mainly targets unborn girls for being girls? That would be an optics nightmare for all of them.

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Erin O’Toole has Shifted Left and Away from Western Canadians

Many who watched the recent Conservative Party convention found themselves in disbelief. I am not an exception to this. I watched as Erin O’Toole firmly laid the foundation for policies few in the West support. Chiefly among them, a further alienated Western Canada.

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Erin O’Toole and Conservatives’ Silence on Grace Life is Deafening

The Conservatives don’t even have to fully endorse the actions of Grace Life Church in order to seize onto the golden opportunity to simply condemn a church being made an example of by AHS and the RCMP far beyond what the law would require the punishment to be for violating provincial restrictions, whether you agree with them or not.

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Erin O’Toole is the Conservative Who Dislikes Conservatism – No Wonder He’s Unpopular

Although Trudeau has a disapproval rating of 52 percent that is still far better than O’Toole’s 51 percent disapproval rating seeing as only 3 percent of Canadians polled do not have their minds made up on Trudeau whereas 19 percent of Canadians still don’t have an opinion on O’Toole, and the trend isn’t looking very good. 

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