Erin O’Toole Has Become The Dictator Of The Conservative Party And Needs To Be Toppled

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on November 18, 2021

The Conservative Party under the “leadership” of Erin O’Toole has increasingly turned into a political dictatorship as increasingly there is a zero-tolerance policy of any complaints about the leftward direction of the party that failed to appeal to Canadians during the 2021 election. 

There has been very little input on how the party operates from the grassroots with practically all the decisions made by Conservative delegates at the 2021 convention in March being ignored by O’Toole and his Red Tory political insider allies. 

O’Toole has never been above removing people from the Conservative Party who get in his way. He had Jim Karahalios ejected from the CPC 2020 leadership race, Derek Sloan removed from caucus in January 2021, and forced out Jonas Smith and former MP David Yurdiga as nominees during the last federal election for opposing mandates.

Now O’Toole is removing Conservatives from the party for simply demanding that a leadership review take place after his embarrassing loss to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2021. 

Bert Chen was recently indefinitely suspended as a Conservative Party National Councillor for starting a petition to recall Erin O’Toole as the CPC leader, and just a couple of days ago Senator Denise Batters was also removed for starting a petition for CPC members to sign demanding a leadership review take place.

O’Toole is becoming the little Napoleon of the Conservative Party, minus the political skill and ambition.

It is increasingly obvious that Erin O’Toole and his insider allies have no intention of reversing course on their plans to turn the Conservative Party into a softer version of the Liberal Party. 

This is why Members of Parliament Leslyn Lewis, Marilyn Gladu, Shannon Stubbs, Michael Cooper, and many other competent Blue Conservative were not given Shadow Cabinet positions. The Shadow Cabinet O’Toole put together is frankly embarrassing, full of uncharismatic party loyalists, outside of a few mainstays like MP Pierre Poilievre.

Left: Sarnia-Lambton MP Marilyn Gladu Right: Haldimand—Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis

It should be quite clear that unless O’Toole is toppled as the dictator of the Conservative Party, Canada is going to be stuck with Trudeau and the corrupt Liberals for at least another decade.

Canadians are liking the Conservatives less the longer O’Toole stays in charge of the party, and although O’Toole and his pathetic promoters will blame the issues on people demanding internal accountability, everyone sees through that excuse-making.

If the Conservative Party is ever going to reform and represent real Canadian Conservatives again, then the party’s dictator, Erin O’Toole, needs to be toppled and his insider allies need to be banned from the party. They have done more than enough harm to Canadian democracy.

It is good to see that Chen and Batters’ recent stand is paying off with at least former Conservative MPs starting to revolt against the Liberal-lite operators of the Conservative Party and O’Toole himself. O’Toole and his allies only have power if members of the CPC caucus value their jobs more than the principles of conservatism. 

If Justin Trudeau is ever going to be removed from office, there needs to be a political alternative that doesn’t behave exactly like the tyrannical Liberal Party.

Conservative members should strongly consider signing Batters’ petition. Even if you cannot see yourself voting again for the Conservative Party anytime soon it would be a positive development for one major Canadian political party to not be led by a leftist political hack like Erin O’Toole.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

One response to “Erin O’Toole Has Become The Dictator Of The Conservative Party And Needs To Be Toppled”

  1. DB says:

    Well I’m not impressed by what I just read. Eri O’Toole running a circle of support with in. Denouncing party rules, and earning the Label O’Toole DICTATORSHIP. And I get in the mail not one but three in this month, requesting financial support. And then learn this, what I call a Back Burn. Fending off justifiable criticism, this is the house you eat and live in and you just took a three coiler dump on the living floor. And appear to think it will go unnoticed. All though I whole heartedly believe Justin Trudeau and the majority of the Liberal Party, are exactly what is described on the living floor. I will need to withhold my support at this time. I’m Blue all the way, and there is some great people in this party, but its clear they are being pushed into the shadows. Also trying to sway votes by selling your the new Purple party. I’m not buying what’s being sold. It also appears I’m not the only one.