
CERB is Causing an Entitlement Crisis

Many Canadians were expecting to receive Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) payments on September 1. However, the cheques are currently a day late, so some have taken to Twitter to complain about the holdup and then complain at those pointing out their entitlement.  Did anyone still not receive their CERB payment today? I still haven’t. […]

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Simcoe Day: Celebrating Canada’s Anti-Slavery Past

Upper Canada was established in 1792, and in 1793 Simcoe put forward The Act Against slavery, which was the first major legislative attempt at banning slavery in the British Empire.  Although he was not successful at the total emancipation of the slaves and the abolition of the practice the bill did effectively kill most of the slave trading practice in Canada.

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Edmonton Eskimos name change is driven by activists patronizing Inuit Canadians

Inuit Canadians do not need to be talked down to, and the Edmonton Eskimos name change will be remembered by many as a patronizing and useless decision made in the midst of the crazy, woke world of 2020. What a shame. 

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Vandenhoff: Why is Trudeau punishing law-abiding firearms owners instead of criminals?

So we should really start concentrating on looking at the key point. And that’s the criminals not the law abiding firearms owners. You know, I get vetted every day. I work at a gun store. I have never committed a crime. Why am I being punished for ones that have? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

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BRADBURY: Why I started a petition to ensure MP’s receive firearms education

The level of misinformation surrounding firearms and firearms ownership in Canada is increasing. Far too often our discourse on this topic is littered with stats and commentary aligned to conditions in the United States and not Canada. As a result, many Canadians, and many Canadian politicians, have inaccurate understandings of Canadian firearms laws. I’d like to […]

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The Ontario Power Generation Waste Storage Facility Debacle Proves No-One Trusts Nuclear

As much as we hear talk of how ‘safe’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ nuclear power is, if you dig with any depth into that claim you see how no regular, sane person really believes that.  Case and point, we recently saw the withdrawal of an application by the Ontario Power Generation company for a long-pursued construction […]

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OPINION: When Did I Become A Western Separatist?

Tensions were high. I was glued to my television to see if we would be deployed. All of my gear was at the Regiment in my locker, packed and ready to rock. My bug out bag was available and stowed by my condo door. If a notice to move order came, all I had to […]

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The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is Failing to Serve Rural Communities

Representing 2,000 municipalities across Canada, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has rightfully been considered one of the most important lobby groups in the nation. However, recent years have seen the FCM pivot to advocating for urban interests (think Toronto) with programs such as re-establishing COVID-19 measures and other environmentally friendly energy projects that benefit […]

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Calvin Helin: Eagle Spirit pipeline update and eco-colonialism challenges

“In the northern communities alone, it’s north of 90% unemployment. People desperately want work and to be able to have some meaning in their lives, be able to have opportunities for their families. In a perverse way, these environmental groups are stealing those opportunities from Indigenous people.”

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Conservative leadership debate offers a chance for undecided voters to learn more

With very distinct campaigns from one another, this debate should be an interesting watch, even despite Peter MacKay not showing up, there will be a lot of Conservative members watching trying to decide who they want on the top of their ballots.

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