While illegal immigration across the Channel has been a problem since 2018, the numbers have spike during the coronavirous pandemic. In April alone, at least 864 migrants successfully made their way across the Channel, compared to only 539 in all of 2018.
This leadership race is crucial because it will define the future of conservatism in Canada. Our culture is becoming more “woke” and politically correct, and so is the Conservative party.
With the CPC in desperate need of leadership, yet it’s base at wits-end, it’s hard to see how the base stands united moving forward. Conservatives are too busy arguing over which candidate is not a liberal, as the threat of further division looms. We have two federal conservative parties and neither can take on the cult of Trudeau at the present time. While conservatives have a knack for rebranding every so often, the Liberal Party. Liberals only have one shade of red. While Trudeau is the author of many embarrassing mistakes, the party stands by his leadership, as a united front. Those who did not tow the company line faced disciplinary action were marginalized from party ranks, and eventually banished from caucus. Case in point, Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott. While the goal is to defeat Trudeau and remain electable, unity is key as not to say whose conservative beliefs are a better shade of blue than mine and vice versa.
“If we were not in a State of Local Emergency, and if the mayor or a fellow councillor wanted extra powers to respond to a crisis, a meeting by City Council could be convened pretty quickly, and we could grant those powers for as long as needed.” Though not privy to all the conversations had, either due to their technical nature between bureaucracies or those had between the mayor and the province, Dziadyk has made his position clear.
Right now, China is moving to ban “treason, secession, sedition and subversion” in Hong Kong, which is a way for the Chinese government to crack down on pro-democracy demonstrations and protests against the Communist Party of China (CCP) and undermine local law in Hong Kong.
“Biathletes are trained how to safely handle rifles. Before you even start shooting there’s obviously that’s a huge component of safety just because we want to practice a safe sport and make sure everyone’s handling firearms responsibly.”
The judge ruled that only the Leadership Election Organization Committee (LEOC) had the legitimate authority to eject Karahalios and other candidates from the Conservative leadership race. Today the CPC used their court recognized authority to re-eject Karahalios from the race.
As of today, Dr. Tam has not come out on behalf of the Public Health Agency and now officially recommends the use of non-medical masks out in public, when social distancing is not possible.
Canada Police Report (CPR) announced that ALERT Grand Prairie had arrested Allan Salud last Thursday, where the 50-year old was charged due to his involvement in straw purchasing.
This morning Justice Perell, on Jim Karahalios’ lawsuit against the Conservative Party of Canada, ruled in favour of Karahalios and invalidated his disqualification from the Conservative leadership race. Justice Parell wrote, “I declare that the DRAC Decision Of March 18, 2020, to disqualify Mr. Karahalios’ as a candidate for the Conservative Party leadership was invalid, and I set aside the [Dispute Resolution Appeals Committee] (DRAC) Decision.” Karahalios announced some of the details in a campaign email and on Twitter shortly after the decision was handed down in the morning. He reaffirmed his position that the CPC should not be deciding who should and should not be in the leadership race and that membership should determine who they want as a leader through a vote.
[…] National Telegraph […]