CFL announces reopening of training facilities

Written By Guest User, Posted on May 28, 2020

The Canadian Football League sent a memo earlier this morning, giving the go-ahead for clubs across the league to reopen their doors amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The letter “hereby permits the reopening of your fitness facilities for your local players to participate in individual training and receive medical treatment, under the following conditions: (1) The reopening of your facility is permitted by your local provincial and municipal public health authorities; and (2) Your club implements and complies with a “Return to Train” protocol for your fitness facility, which contains provisions at least as stringent as the provisions of the attached guidance document.”

The guidance document goes on to list very stringent directions for things such as hand washing, cleaning of facilities, and booking of appointments. The CFL continues to study various scenarios while monitoring government directives.

However, the league stipulated the reopening of facilities must “permitted by your local provincial and municipal public health authorities.”

Commissioner Randy Ambrosie cancelled the national CFL combine and shutdown facilities in March as the coronavirus pandemic hit full force. The COVID-19 crisis has put the league on pause, and the earliest the CFL might return to play – for a shortened but meaningful season – is September due to COVID-19.

Saskatchewan MP Kevin Waugh gave his reaction to the announcement to The National Telegraph:

“This is good news, but different areas of the country are further ahead of others. Manitoba and Saskatchewan, for example, have flattened the curve better than Ontario and Quebec. Does that mean the Argos, Ti-Cats, Redblacks, and Al’s will be disadvantaged to other teams in regards to training? I have noticed a big difference between Saskatchewan and Ontario.”

Guest User

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