Fleury played his last game in 2009, so 2020 is the second year Fleury was eligible to be inducted in the regular process of waiting ten years after players retire. ‘(Fleury) is one of just 15 players in NHL history to average more than one point per game in both the regular season and the Stanley Cup playoffs. The other 14 are all enshrined in the Hall.’
The detailed study period, entailing conversations with Innuit leaders, and interviews and telephone surveys with the Innuit population of Canada at large, could not conclude any consensus with the Innuit community on a desire for a name change, so the football club has concluded it is keeping the name.
When you think of the world’s most persecuted religious group, you probably think of Jews or Muslims. Hate towards Muslims and Jews is called Islamophobia and antisemitism, but what about hate towards Christians? Well, it’s called ‘Christianophobia,’ and it is a growing global problem.
On Canada Day, Conservative leadership hopeful Erin O’Toole was in Ottawa filming a video decrying how ’cancel culture’ is coming for the Canadian flag. While there has yet to be a mainstream movement to cancel the Canadian flag, Erin O’Toole is certainly right to oppose whatever radical faction is pushing for it. However, the major […]
The idea of left-wing bias in social media isn’t new, but has gained recent notoriety in the news as Donald Trump’s Twitter page has begun being partially censored in some cases by Twitter itself.
Outside of Regina’s Mosaic Stadium an unknown person has vandalized the Ron Lancaster statue with a phrase in large text written on the football the statue of Lancaster is holding.
A leadership debate is expected to occur July 8th with three of the four Conservative candidates participating. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the debate will be hosted online over the video conferencing service Zoom. Leslyn Lewis, Erin O’Toole and Derek Sloan have all accepted the invitation to the debate, although Peter MacKay will not be making an appearance.
“Canada is actually a pretty good country to live in, when you compare it to what’s going on in the rest of the world. You talk about the luxuries over there. We’re living with the conveniences, the rights, the freedoms, the infrastructure we have now, we can always do better, of course, but, man, I always count my blessings that I’m living the life I am here in Canada.”
On Monday, June 29th, the United Conservative Party of Alberta launched its Recovery Plan with a commitment by the premier to “implement sector-specific strategies to drive diversification, including in agriculture and forestry, tourism, technology and innovation, aviation, finance and financial technology, and creative industries.”
It should be noted that this funding oftentimes flies in the face of recipient countries’ national sovereignty. The government of Niger shut down two Marie Stopes facilities in 2018 after they were found committing abortions, even though abortion is illegal in Niger.
[…] National Telegraph […]