In the past week, allegations against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continue to escalate as more details about the Liberal government’s involvement with the ME to WE Charity have been unveiled.
Just as the Conservatives rallied around Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott when they put their political careers on the line to stand for what was right, the Conservatives must rally around Belinda Karahalios or their smallest crime will be hypocrisy.
Inuit Canadians do not need to be talked down to, and the Edmonton Eskimos name change will be remembered by many as a patronizing and useless decision made in the midst of the crazy, woke world of 2020. What a shame.
And so two unlikely allies have joined forces to call for a national inquiry into the medical and pharmaceutical transitioning of our most vulnerable children. Similar inquiries have been ordered or called for in the United Kingdom and Australia, and many US States have passed or are considering laws restricting minor transition. It is long overdue that Canada followed suit. All we are asking at this time is for an investigation to get to the truth.
The host of America’s Got Talent, Terry Crews, has been actively using his platform in recent weeks to promote racial equality. However, his remarks have provoked great controversy. The actor said in a tweet earlier this month, “I stand on my decision to unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology. Given […]
So we should really start concentrating on looking at the key point. And that’s the criminals not the law abiding firearms owners. You know, I get vetted every day. I work at a gun store. I have never committed a crime. Why am I being punished for ones that have? I just can’t wrap my head around it.
Canadians are very proud of our universal healthcare system, which is why sometimes legitimate criticisms are ignored out of fear of privatization. However, for the system to benefit Canadians best some flaws need to be addressed. This is what the Conservative and Green party is attempting to do with the life saving drug Trikafta, in […]
The month of July has seen many hateful incidents targeting Jews and Christians. From attacks on Zionist Jews to Catholic worship spaces being vandalized, the message of “love and inclusivity” preached throughout the month of June has not seemed to have much effect. Antisemitism A fresh wave of rhetoric targeting Jewish people has come from […]
Conservative author, speaker and former PPC candidate for Red Deer—Lacombe Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson recently asked members of her audience whether or not they had been experiencing a peculiar pattern of only receiving certain Conservative Party leadership candidates’ emails—and not others.
Despite the faux-outrage of the left in demanding that well-known brands, movies, and sports teams need to be canceled or heavily changed, the Canadian Inuit really could not care less about calls for the Edmonton Eskimos CFL football team to have their name changed.
[…] National Telegraph […]