It was a cold rain-soaked day in Mirror, Alberta. Storm clouds gathered for an imminent showdown at the Whistlestop Cafe. The battle lines formed with about 1500 pro-freedom and anti-lockdown supporters led by Cafe owner Chris Scott on one side and a phalanx of RCMP police on the other.
A recent CityNews documentary, VeraCity: ‘The Gun Chase’, has served to shine a light on the situation surrounding the rise in gun crime in Canada’s major cities. Despite the recent government’s legislation cracking down on legal firearm ownership in Canada, the documentary shows us just how it is easier than ever to buy an illegal firearm on the streets of Toronto.
A story like this can and potentially should destroy Justin Trudeau’s manufactured image as a strong feminist, but outside of a few opinion columns, the liberal MSM has covered this scandal as something happening adjacent to Trudeau and not actually involving him and the Liberal Party despite this story being a clear example of Trudeau’s lack of ethics as a leader.
Now Alberta will be diving headfirst into Doug Ford’s Ontario-style lockdown restrictions that will bankrupt more small businesses and increase unemployment while achieving no reduction in infections outside of the natural rise and fall we have been seeing for more than a year now.
Despite the Black Lives Matter organization and its supporters in Congress like Maxine Waters getting the “guilty, guilty, guilty” verdict in the Derek Chauvin murder trial that they wanted, it could all start falling apart due to the less-than-ideal conditions the trial was placed under.
It seems rather odd that despite the vast majority of Albertans complying with public health measures, whether they would stand up in court or not, somehow cases rise unaffected by the overbearing measures gutting Alberta’s small business community.
On April 28th in a Regina City Council hearing transgender activist, Jenn Smith attempted to speak to the issues of bans on so-called “conversion therapy” in terms of the harm such a ban could cause for children with gender dysphoria, but the political environment in the council did not seem well prepared to hear him.
As Doug Ford has slid into his Liberal costume, complete with Trudeau tears, could New Blue Ontario be a symptom of Doug Ford and his Ontario PC party abandoning conservative principles and excessive broken promises? Is Doug Ford himself the catalyst that helps spawn the New Blue Party of Ontario? Only time will tell.
It appears as though Trudeau’s Liberal government is looking to eliminate Canadian freedoms online, as they are being eliminated in the public square, all done through the guise of safety. It seems Canadians should’ve paid more attention to the warning signs coming from this administration.
Twenty mostly retired generals from the French Armed Forces have called for France to be put under the military’s rule if the government led by President Emmanual Macron cannot get control of the threat posed to the country by political Islamism.
[…] National Telegraph […]