Peaceful assembly, protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, suggests countless people gathered shoulder-to-shoulder at the base of a government building. This is sometimes the case, but more often it’s just smaller groups of concerned citizens coming together wherever it makes sense at the moment. This includes businesses, busy intersections, and, as is the case lately, the homes of key decision-making politicians.
Trudeau highlights “safety” as the reason why Canadians should deny themselves a good time on New Year’s despite the large spike in cases due to the omicron variant not resulting in an equivalent spike in deaths. On the contrary, the death rate is at one of the lowest points it has been since March 2020.
The issue is that although it is true that there is a large wave of cases, per capita the harm being inflicted on the Canadian population is incredibly mild. Omicron’s symptoms tend to be similar to a mild cold, and a large portion of people who get it don’t even realize they have it until they are tested for it.
The vaccine mandate put on healthcare workers in Alberta by the Alberta Health Service officially fell apart just a few days ago. Although we should have never placed an unconstitutional mandate on healthcare workers, at the very least the AHS helped prove that vaccine mandates do more harm than good, especially when placed on an […]
The National Telegraph has been granted access to regulatory information from federal employees claiming Canada’s vaccine mandates were implemented in a coercive and abusive manner but lacked the legislation to do so. They claim federal employees were coerced under threat of dismissal to be vaccinated without drafting the required legislation.
Less than two weeks after this news, on October 13, 2021, Game On Canada took over Bremner Boulevard from York Street to Lower Simcoe Street in a massive pick-up game called Shinny Night in Canada. Despite large concrete barricades appearing in the fan area the night prior, there was still plenty of room for over 300 kids to play a dozen simultaneous hockey games as well as other sports. Live music acts entertained while information was provided by qualified speakers from Police on Guard and Canadian Front Line Nurses, to name just a couple. Dr. Byram Bridle spoke of how he has been threatened about voicing vaccine harm.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had never hidden his love for modern economic theory since the 2015 federal election. Trudeau genuinely seems to believe the only important factor in the economy is how much money is being spent, regardless of whether it is individuals, corporations, or the government spending it.
If you needed any more proof Ontario Premier Doug Ford and the PC Party hates the Karahalios’ the Speaker of the Legislature making up a new COVID rule to keep New Blue Party MPP Belinda Karahalios out of Queens Park should convince you.
Needless the say, their decision not to get the COVID jab necessitated a major lifestyle change that included, offering support for those who find themselves in a similar spot. Rather than see themselves as ‘victims’, the two have decided to fight back, opting to become outspoken opponents of coercive vaccine mandates.
Positive and negative healthcare outcomes don’t really matter to AHS, and its CEO Dr. Verna Yiu, just getting the overall vaccination rate up is the way healthcare quality is being measured, although this approach rightfully came back to bite them recently.
[…] National Telegraph […]