Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has tested positive for Covid-19, and once again it comes at a time where having an excuse to duck the media for a few weeks provides some political convenience.
Even if a more liberal Canadian agreed with the ideological views of Mendicino, there is no coming back from the fact that as Public Safety Minister during and after the invocation of the Emergencies Act, he has been nothing but a bad liar.
This is the key foreign policy point that the Trudeau Liberals continually fail to grasp: Appeasement of evil begets more evil. In 2018 when Canadian sociology professor Dr. Kavous Seyed-Emami was killed in Evan’s prison (the regime erroneously claims suicide) that should have been the signal to Trudeau that his quest to moderate a regime that openly seeks our destruction through appeasement is flawed.
It would be surprising at this point, based on how much we have already seen Jagmeet Singh’s political career unravel if he was the federal NDP leader going into the next election.
Essentially Ramsey was targeted by other members of the board despite being a veteran of the board himself, having served on it since 1989, and being a highly qualified school teacher, likely because he made “transphobic comments” on the internet, based on the last time other board members went after him.
Former Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau went after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the other day in a rare public speech since resigning from office after being thrown under the bus by Trudeau and the PMO for the WE Charity scandal.
The film stars Matt Walsh, a daily show host at the Daily Wire as he goes on a quest to find out if anyone who adheres to gender theory can give a non-circular definition to the question “what is a woman?” The most often answer he gets is “a woman is someone who identifies as a woman,” to which Walsh will ask “what is that?”
In the aftermath of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, a horrific crime that largely failed to be prevented due to slow police response, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is attempting to use the deaths of the children and teachers in order to disarm Canada’s firearms owners.
The Trudeau regime’s proposed taxing of new pickup trucks in Canada has to be called out more often for what it is: obviously mean-spirited, and a form of targeted class warfare against blue-collar workers.
Former MPP and currently Conservative leadership candidate Roman Baber recently appeared on Evan Solomon’s show Question Period on CTV News where he proceeded to make a fool of Solomon on the issue of free speech censorship being pushed by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government.
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