Justin Trudeau Claims He Has COVID But Is Ignoring His Own Quarantine Rules

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on June 16, 2022

Just a few days ago Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he tested positive for COVID-19, and yet he is already planning on getting back on the road for a trip to Europe and Rwanda for a world leaders summit. 

He will first be in Rwanda between June 23 and 25, which is within the ten-day quarantine period he and his own government have set as the standard for people who test positive. Even after he first tested positive he still did not quarantine until after he left California, despite knowing he was infected.

Of course, Conservative Canadians, and increasingly even Liberal Canadians, see the COVID-19 rules, mandates, and quarantining as ineffective and unnecessary. On the other hand, Justin Trudeau still thinks the rules are sensible but he seems the least likely to actually follow them.

One theory on why Trudeau seems to be quarantining now but will be breaking it early to go to the leaders’ summit is that his government is currently under heavy pressure from the Conservatives on the Emergencies Act scandal. Whether Trudeau is actually infected, staying locked in his home for a few days allows Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino to take the brunt of the Conservatives’ criticisms for lying about the RCMP or Ottawa Police requesting the Emergencies Actin invocation. 

Overall this whole situation with Trudeau demonstrates that as a leader he always thinks the rules should be less strict on him than on the average citizen.

The National Telegraph contributor Daniel Bordman noted on the Marc Patrone Show yesterday that as a leader you should be seeking to make the rules harsher on yourself if you truly believe the whole “we are all in this together” propaganda line.

(That interview with Bordman and Patrone can be found linked here)

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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