UCP Leadership Hopeful Bill Rock Says Michelle Rempel Has Been In The “Ottawa/Davos” Bubble Too Long

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on June 17, 2022

As the Alberta UCP leadership election heats up, more candidates are sizing up their chances to win, including current Calgary Nose Hill Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner.

Rempel who has been in Parliament since 2011 has found herself on the outs within the CPC caucus after several years of shifting towards the political left. 

In 2021, she even asked for forgiveness for being a white woman, and pushed for Canadians to not celebrate Canada Day after mass graves of Indigenous children were supposedly found outside of old residential schools. (The graves story is likely more spin than fact)

(Image from CTV News)

In 2022, she was also the only Alberta Conservative to endorse Brampton Mayor, and former Ontario PC leader, Patrick Brown for CPC leader. She has since left his campaign after Brown’s election prospects plunged. 

This recent leftward shift is why a current UCP leadership candidate took a jab at her for releasing a survey asking her social media followers what issues matter to them in the leadership race, and whether or not they would support her running for leader.

Amisk Mayor Bill Rock pointed out that anyone who is planning on running for leadership of the UCP and doesn’t know what issues Albertans are concerned about clearly is out-of-touch.

Rock state that:

The fact that a prospective candidate needs to release a survey to ask Albertans what issues matter to them shows that someone has been in the Ottawa (or Davos) bubble a little too long.

The mention of “Davos” in Rock’s social media post is a reference to Michelle Rempel attending the World Economic Forum in 2018, which is hosted every year in Davos, Switzerland. The event is heavily attended by high-profile individuals (like Justin Trudeau) who support the WEF’s left-wing internationalistic economic and environmental policies.

It was around 2018 when people increasingly started to notice Rempel taking on a more elitist worldview and began adopting far-left views on social issues, and stopped defending Alberta’s oil and gas industry as much as she did back when she was first elected in 2011. 

Bill Rock, talking about his own campaign, also added that:

My campaign interfaces with Albertans to help add nuance to the common-sense policies we are proposing, but we are already well aware of the general issues that matter to the people of this great province.

I can guarantee I will never alienate myself from Albertans in favour of becoming cozy with elitist metropolitan political circles.

(Bill Rock’s Facebook page is linked here)

Based on the reaction Michelle Rempel seems to have received from a wide range of Alberta conservatives it seems like she would be in an uphill battle to win the UCP leadership race, despite being one of the most well-known conservative politicians in Alberta. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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