The gun bans and regulations that the Liberals have been pushing for since the 2019 federal election have been made even more ridiculous and misguided since the spike in sales occurred due to COVID19 pandemic.
The Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), as well as Jim Karahalios’ campaign have launched petitions for the purpose of pushing Conservative Party’s Leadership Election Organization Committee (LEOC) to reinstate Karahalios after being disqualified on March 20th.
“I feel that anti Western sentiment was basically trafficked in Quebec by Trudeau for political gain. And, you know, of course, for me, I would be trying to build up every province across the country as opposed to, you know, setting one region against another. I think he did that just because he felt he probably wouldn’t do well in the West anyway, so he might as well build on this anti-Western sentiment for his own games in Quebec.”
While many Canadians support further gun control, no doubt with good intentions of minimizing harm and prioritizing safety, the measures they support, such as handgun bans or AR-15 bans, fail to help meet those goals and merely end up punishing law abiding Canadian gun owners.
Clare said, “It is no surprise that many people are now facing concerns about unrest and have realized that the first source of protection in any societal breakdown is entirely personal. Firearms are a logical source of personal protection in times of unrest, during fear of bodily harm, and when faced possible looting, or home invasion in this troubled time.”
An investigation into two separate incidents of Karahalios by the Leadership Election Organizing Committee (LEOC) was conducted, one involving a letter to supporters and the other a perceived racist interaction over Facebook. The Toronto-based Urban Alliance on Race Relations filed a complaint with the CPC regarding the post, where Karahalios responded to his letter, sent two weeks prior.
While Trudeau continues to remain a progressive-minded leader, the present moratorium, along with the pandemic, may convince the Liberal government to adopt stricter immigration policies. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the evident foibles unrestricted globalization presents. If Trudeau apostatizes from the neo-liberal order, characterized by the free flow of labour and populations, he may set Canada on a more sustainable path where domestic industries, like Albertan oil, can flourish.
“Ironically, support for an independent Sikh state isn’t all that strong in the Indian Punjab itself, as supporters are pushing it from outside. The violent agenda is mostly coming from members of the diaspora in the US, Canada, and the UK. For example, India has sought the extradition of Sikh militants in Canada who are involved in arms-trading and terrorism funding.”
For these reasons and many others, the grassroots of the Conservative party have already started a petition to suspend the leadership race. So far, Lisa Raitt and the rest of the LEOC have yet to acknowledge these very serious concerns from the Conservative base.
While the young are less averse to suffering the virus’ worst outcomes, there is a commitment all Canadians share to protect the vulnerable. Hyper individualism coupled by a carefree subjective attitude can procure potentially fatal outcomes.
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