
Rule of law doesn’t apply to eco-colonizers

The eco-activists involved in the current anti-pipeline protests have brazenly maintained their illegal blockade against the main artery of the Canadian economy. There is no arguing that these protestors have used illicit means to proceed and accomplish their own political goals. Without the constant flow of critical goods and materials, Canada is at risk of […]

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Left wing Eco-colonialist activists are preventing Indigenous self-government

Instead of advocating for responsible development that benefits Indigenous communities and also protects the environment, these radical Eco-colonialists advocates for zero development of energy projects, thus removing the best chance at self-governance and self-reliance that many communities have.

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Restoring Authenticity to the centre-of-right in Canada

One needs to look no further than the current crop of CPC leadership hopefuls to realize, safe a few, and there is no viable steward of conservatism left. Of the group, the two clear frontrunners, Peter Mackay and Erin O’Toole are uninspiring lukewarm centrists who only faintly espouse conservative ideology. Now, although both have valuable parliamentary experience and occupied positions worthy of respect, their victory would all but deoxygenate the party’s flame.

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Netanyahu‘s Transformation of Israeli Policy towards Iran

During those years, I raised this issue several times in American, Arabic, Israeli and Persian media. I said that while I understand Israel’s need to respond to the threats of the Islamist regime, I believe Israel should speak to the Iranian people and tell them that the bitterness and hatred stirred by the Islamist regime, between Iran and Israel, has nothing to do with the people of Iran. It should be communicated that Israel is a friend of the Iranian people, just as the Iranian people are generally friends with Israel.

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The Government’s Phoenix pay system has failed Canada’s unionized workers

Placing a call to the CRA, Veterans affairs, Employment Insurance or over government institutions has become tedious and often fruitless. It may take you weeks to also facilitate talks because the ques are so backlogged. When you do get through, you hear a very sympathetic agent who has to apologize sincerely for things that weren’t done. You get mad because you know it’s not his/her fault. It is the organization, the structure, and just not enough workers. But then again, why would workers stay? It goes without saying that if the public service suffers, we all suffer. 

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Justin Trudeau is undermining the country with bungling of TMX

This pipeline was proposed by Kinder Morgan at no cost to the taxpayer, but after the Liberals provided every possible roadblock to the TMX project, Kinder Morgan was forced to cut their losses and leave Canada. This forced a government buyout of $4.5 billion. They assumed the remaining costs, which have now ballooned past $12.6 billion. 

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Wexit should identify closely with Métis Resistance to Federal government meddling

January 27th the City of Saskatoon’s council unanimously approved the displaying of Treaty 6 Métis Nation flags at city-run facilities in a display of respect for the traditional owners of the land.

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Canada’s political Right needs to stop accommodating the Left

The Conservative Party’s election collapse is precisely because it overlooked its duty as a steward of conservatism. The establishment adopted nominal conservatism as their axiom and deviated from theoretical principles. Rather than remaining congruent to principle, the CPC has steadily moved into an ideological hinterland, sometimes surpassing the point of recognition. 

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NDP Deputy leader gets the Royals’ issue right while Singh wavers

This is a brilliant move for Boulerice, but despite that the NDP positions itself as the party for the working-class, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh won’t rule out paying for the Royals, showing a cultural rift in the party.

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Alberta’s public sector unions risk alienating the public with hyperbolic rhetoric

Claypool: Public sector unions, along with the New Democratic Party (NDP), have partnered on a lot of labour issues by travelling in the same car. They end up all getting in the same metaphorical crashes. The problem here is their collective action facilitates radical rhetoric becoming the norm for the union membership and advocates.

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