
Marilyn Gladu Fails on Immigration

The number in favour of reducing current immigration levels has increased from 2018. Two years ago, iPolitics’ Anna Desmarais discussed an Angus Reid poll that asked 1,500 Canadian adults to complete an online survey asking their opinions on immigration. The study found 49% of respondents, marginally less than half, wanted to reduce immigration. Migrant families were especially unpopular amongst those surveyed as they have a lower probability of contributing to Canada’s economy.

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Conservatives have to stop catering to Eastern Elites

The Canadian Conservative Party has failed to gain the working class, rural Quebec and Atlantic Canada voters. Constituents that value old traditional views of Canada and have been neglected by Laurentian elites in Central Canada.

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The Problem I have With Environmentalists

I can already predict some environmentalists are going to stop reading this article after the first paragraph and immediately judge me because they have already figured I do not fit into their belief system. For those who are continuing to read that’s great because it is quite dangerous that someone can be that stuck in a belief system that they would be afraid to read someone else’s point of view because they aren’t fitting into the mold of what the environmentalist movement has become. Afraid to read different views is a sign of an insecure belief system. So good on you for continuing reading even if you disagree with me.

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Erin O’Toole: True Blue or Baby Blue Conservative?

O’Toole had abstained from the compelled speech bill for gender pronouns, Bill C-16, and has recently declared that he wouldn’t touch the law. He had also voted in favour of an NDP precursor to C-16 in 2011, Bill C-389, and then again split from the Harper CPC parliamentary majority to vote for another version of the same bill, Bill C-279.

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The deconstruction of a Toronto Star hit piece on Dennis Prager

Ms. Elghawaby wants us to believe that Prager is a hateful person with hateful beliefs, and that fair-minded individuals should not associate with him. That is simply untrue.

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Buffalo Declaration could be the start to a New Canada

According to Dr. Randy Royer, “The West would benefit from greater autonomy and self-reliance, as well as a bottom-up government. The colonial mentality of Central Canada represents a key divergence between the different Canadas.”

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Trump Shows Trudeau How It’s Done In India

Maybe I am wrong, but I don’t think any politician should dress in traditional clothing of the places they visit nor dance around and act like a woke-multicultural hipster. You are in India to represent Canada, please just do that without all of the theatrics.

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Opinions with Bordman: The Left sold its soul by supporting Omar Khadr

The softness of the media combined with Omar Khadr’s inability to accept responsibility and show remorse for his actions have taken the pro-payout side off a moral cliff. Now, it is believed that “Omar Khadr did nothing wrong.”

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Alberta Mayor Fights The Liberals On The Teck Mine

The National Telegraph interviewed Mayor Don Scott of the regional municipality of Woodland Buffalo, who was recently in Ottawa, advocating for the approval of the new Oil Sand mine for the benefit of his community, the rest of Fort McMurray and all the First Nations that approve the new Teck Frontier mine.

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Derek Sloan to Justin Trudeau: The rule of law must prevail

Not only are these blockade illegal they run counter to the majority of affected Indigenous people on the trail of the pipeline, the majority of which approve of the project, and urgently await the economic benefits of participating in the construction of the pipeline.

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