
B.C. Election Police Target TNT Writer after Criticizing “legalize everything” Candidate

The situation in Chilliwack has been exasperated by the activities of the Chilliwack Progress which has shown a constant bias against conservatives and is now serving as a virtual agent for Carin Bondar defending her against all questions and of course framing the issue in completely deceptive ways, and even publishing her advertising sign free of charge, all while Elections BC looks the other way.

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Trudeau Tops his Record of Hypocrisy and Failure

At the start of the year when the first vaccines started to hit the market, the Conservatives made the claim that “Canada was last in line for vaccines”. This was met with a chorus of ridicule for the Liberals and the media when Canada was the third country to put a needle in someone’s arm. […]

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Lefty Chilliwack Media Pushes Lurid “Wild Sex” Candidate as School Trustee

The local Chilliwack news publication, The Chilliwack Progress, a subsidiary of Black Press, seems to be dedicated to pushing the particularly strange school board trustee candidate Carin Bondar in the upcoming by-election. 

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Canadians are Effectively being Kidnapped into Isolation Sites

The politicians and political staffers who came up with the idea to stick air travelers in quarantine hotels for COVID-19 testing and “isolation sites” for positive cases, seemed at first to be just extremely bureaucratic with their unreasonable measures, but through the implementation of the isolation policies, they have become downright authoritarian.

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Trudeau Travel Restrictions are Too Much, Too Late

Mr. Trudeau admits that there are not many cases coming from the Caribbean or Mexico but even one is too many. I’m amazed to hear that one holiday is one too many but the fact that our seniors are falling like dominos due to negligence and incompetence since the first wave seems to have little or no effect on the Federal or Provincial leadership.

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After Politicians Finish Their Vacations Trudeau Restricts Travel

Rather conveniently after seemingly every other politician returns from their beach vacation and snowbird getaways Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has finally moved to toughen up the restrictions on the border and air travel.

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The Liberals and Conservatives Join Together to Undermine Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry

What is surprising for many Canadians is that their Conservative party, who is supposed to be the Liberal’s opposition, is offering their support for this bill.

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Media is using the Julie Payette Scandal to Distract from Trudeau’s Failures

Media Bias is often envisioned as hard and fast advocating for one political perspective over another, but the situation with Payette shows how the media’s selection bias of stories and the effort in which they put into covering them can be as much of a boon to Trudeau as an open defence of his bad actions.

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Media Still Calls Conservative Party too Right-Wing despite O’Toole Pushing Left

If O’Toole didn’t foresee the media pressing him harder after he showed weakness by removing Derek Sloan for unexplainable reasons, then either he wants more excuses to pivot further left or he is evidently still a political rookie.

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Justin Trudeau is Happy to let Joe Biden lead him by the Nose

Simply put, Trudeau will gladly let Biden lead him around by the nose on the Keystone XL pipeline since what Biden wants to do already falls underneath Trudeau’s environmentalist agenda, and if Biden cancels the pipeline Trudeau can act like he wasn’t part of the problem.

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