[…] National Telegraph […]
Written By Jenn Smith, Posted on February 9, 2021
The controversy in the British Columbia town of Chilliwack continues to grow in the wake of revelations that a candidate for the School Board byelection is known for producing hyper-sexualized educational content. Carin Bondar starred in a web-series entitled “Wild Sex” (she subsequently penned a book by the same title) which analyzed sex in the animal kingdom but set it up using arguably quasi-pornographic frameworks. Bondar has since said of her videos “I create work that exists at the intersection of art and science.” Her critics have suggested that it exists “at the intersection of pornography and science.”
Bondar has also publicly published other sexualized “education” videos and it appears to be her preferred methodology.
As I wrote previously, I was initially unaware of who Bondar was until I was attacked by a pack of her followers for writing a rather innocuous letter to the editor of the Chilliwack Progress. The extreme reaction to that letter got me wondering just who this Bondar was so I began researching and the rest is history. I first published details of Bondar’s background in The National Telegraph and then paid to push my article into the area in order to promote my profile as a writer on local topics. The article, along with an op-ed by Wyatt Claypool, reached almost ten thousand people and triggered a massive controversy. An accompanying video of highlights from her series “Wild Sex” posted to Vimeo had reached over 12,000 views in just a few days before Bondar’s supporters had it taken down. The video has been subsequently posted in other locations such as here.
The page where the Bondar video originally appeared now displays this. The lurid highlight reel was all but ignored by corporate media who chose instead to focus on her less controversial “Wrecking Ball” parody video “Organisms Do Evolve” where she appears swinging naked on a wrecking ball and performing mock fellatio on a microscope. Bondar left the Wrecking Ball video up but the more controversial video was taken down.
The local community paper, owned by the Black Press empire, which has a virtual monopoly in the area and most community papers in BC, did not mention anything controversial about Bondar’s public career when they announced her candidacy. They merely stated that she “is a noted advocate for science literacy, STEM education … and representation of minority groups.” There was no mention of the fact she is best known for her rather salacious work “Wild Sex” and her hypersexual “educational” Youtube videos. Bondar’s candidacy website too completely excludes her best-known work, apparently not wanting people to see her work, which is quite a strange and glaring omission since Bondar now proudly claims her “Wild Sex” videos have had 130 million views.
Why would she exclude such information? Whatever the reason for the omission, anybody perusing Bondar’s publicly published work in education (and it is important to note this is all public, not something busy bodies dug up out of her private life) can quickly see that Bondar’s educational currency is clearly the use of sexuality, and this is what has understandably concerned the large conservative community.
Carin Bondar’s Twitter Profile Picture.
In a more liberal district revelations about Bondar’s public work might not have been an issue, but Chilliwack has been at the center of a debate over the highly controversial LGBT educational resource SOGI 123 and a struggle between the almost equally split liberal and conservative forces in the community — a struggle that overflowed into the School Board when conservative trustee Barry Neufeld announced his opposition to the program.
The situation in Chilliwack has been exasperated by the activities of the Chilliwack Progress which has shown a constant bias against conservatives and is now serving as a virtual agent for Carin Bondar defending her against all questions and of course framing the issue in completely deceptive ways, and even publishing her advertising sign free of charge, all while Elections BC looks the other way. On the other hand, when the current writer published articles that exposed Bondar’s educational background and methodologies, Elections BC was quick to threaten to prosecute me for allegedly violating BC’s “Third Party Advertiser” election laws when all I was really doing was reporting facts and discussing the implications of those facts, just as the Chilliwack Progress was doing in their articles.
When revelations about Bondar’s more controversial work became public, Bondar and her agents at the Chilliwack Progress showed distinct signs of suffering from a kind of cognitive dissonance, taking two contrary positions at the same time. On the one hand, Bondar has said recently that she is proud of her work on “Wild Sex” and her sexualized YouTube videos, but when concerned people in the conservative community began sharing clips of her work (which she has apparently wanted to keep private during her election bid) she suddenly called the presentation of her own work “smearing” and “an attack on women.”
Had Bondar been black I am sure she would have called her critics racist, and had she been a lesbian I am sure she would have called them homophobes, but she is neither so she played the only card she could calling it a misogynistic attack on “strong women,” although frankly, I think this tactic shows just how weak she really is.
Instead of using her intellect when talking about nature to engage viewers such as somebody like David Suzuki might use or a strong woman like Jane Goodall, Bondar preferred to use sex toys, talk about “f__king like rabbits” and surrounded herself with buff shirtless men while she talked about “animal sex” and even a sexualized half-naked teenage boy all allegedly to sell “education,” and this is where the understandable concerns of the conservative community came in.
Scenes from Bondar’s Earth-Touch series “Wild Sex.”
The large conservative community in Chilliwack had ignored her as long as she was teaching adults in the local college, but were alarmed she was seeking to educate grade school children. Bondar’s use of a half-naked teenage boy was also concerning, and conservatives have rightly asked what the response would have been from the media and her supporters had it been a 37-year-old male educator sexualizing a half-naked teenage girl instead of a boy, would it still have been considered an acceptable resume entry for a would-be trustee?
Meme of Bondar with a half-naked teenage boy that is being circulated on social media by former Pennsylvanian Corrections Counselor and expert in sexual predators Jon K Uhler, MS LPC CCTP, whom I interviewed three times and who has expressed his concerns, noting such material is typically used by predators to groom children into more extreme content and behaviors.
In one video Bondar talks about sexual diversity while wearing a purple wig reminiscent of the 12-year-old “Mindy” in the movie Kick-Ass and wearing a T-Shirt that says “Legalize Everything,” which led some to ask what currently illegal sexual acts she thinks need to be legalized? Of course, Bondar did not submit any of this on her resume and when people began filling in these sections of her resume for her that she had left blank, she claimed it was “smearing” and an “attack on women,” which Black Press and the corporate media immediately ran with and reinforced doing everything in their power to do damage control for Bondar and attack the concerned parents of Chilliwack rather than addressing their legitimate concerns.
For somebody seeking a highly sensitive seat dealing with children in a community with a largely conservative and Christian population, she could hardly be surprised by the reaction, which is probably why she did not talk about the details of her work previously during the campaign which has led many to question her honesty.
In defense of her work, Bondar has said audiences are always more interested in topics when it has “something to do with sex… humans think about sex a lot, so it follows that it makes for an excellent teaching tool in many areas of biology [and it was wildly successful].”
The idea she might want sex used as a teaching tool in Chilliwack schools s horrified Christian families, so they began sharing and talking about her work. It has been suggested that an outraged group of local parents paid to surreptitiously erect an unflattering anti-Bondar billboard with a screenshot from Bondar’s “Organisms Do Evolve” video, which while I do not support was clearly a relatively benign image compared to what they could have put up.
A billboard surreptitiously erected by concerned parents in Chilliwack using a still from Bondar’s publicly available “educational” video. The billboard caused a lot of faux outrage but it should be noted that of all the images you have seen in this article, these parents used a relatively tame one to make their point that the corporate media promoting and defending Bondar are not being forthright with citizens regarding Bondar’s educational background.
The reaction to this billboard was immediate and predictably exaggerated, and very quickly rumors began swirling that Bondar’s supporters had put up the billboard themselves in order to demonize her critics. I quickly contacted my extensive list of conservative contacts in the community and nobody knew who had put up the sign. This type of fake “bigotry” would not be new to Chilliwack and I have written before about what was clearly a faked Ku Klux Klan leaflet campaign in Chilliwack a couple of years ago.
Bondar dancing with a scantily clad male model in another of her “educational” videos.
In any case, if we assume the billboard was put up by concerned parents on the right and couple that with the wide circulation her videos have gotten online, one has to understand that these people are concerned about what their children are being taught in schools today, and the establishment media has done everything in their power to diminish, demonize, and silence their concerns, so they do what they can.
Now as somebody that has identified as transgender and bisexual in my life, I am no prude and could care less how many men Bondar drapes all over herself. However, in this instance, we are talking about her educational methodologies and the mindset that she will bring with her into a very sensitive public office where she will be making decisions on behalf of the children of Chilliwack using tax dollars in a deeply divided community. Had she repudiated her previous work or had this been private material it would be different, but Bondar still claims to be proud of her work and the material is widely available to everybody on the internet including to the children of Chilliwack. Bondar has made no effort to back-pedal but has doubled-down, which indicates this is her current mindset.
Unfortunately, this case has also served to underscore something else I have been warning about, and that is the increasingly over-reaching censorship of independent voices by establishment powers, government, and big media. When the billboard went up somebody supporting Bondar reported me to Elections BC as an alleged “Third Party Advertiser,” even though I am nothing of the sort. I am an independent writer and journalist having published in Canada with The National Telegraph and the Post-Millennial nationally, and with the Off-Guardian in the UK among other places.
Example of a physical copy of The Chilliwack Progress (Photo from The Chilliwack Progress)
Black Press pays people to print their work and deliver it to people’s doors; I too as an independent journalist pay digital services to deliver my work to areas that may be interested in it in order to promote my profile as a writer, which also supports my intentions to run my own media outlet in the area (I have a tentative agreement to buy an outlet in the works right now).
I wrote on this subject because I felt I had made significant discoveries regarding Bondar’s public work that were not being discussed but which were important and relevant for the voting public of Chilliwack to know. The voters can take that information and do what they like with it. Some will shrug their shoulders and find Bondar’s exploits insignificant, others will find them outrageous, but at least they are informed about something that was previously not talked about in the media.
The writers for the mega-corporate Black Press, one of whom is on Bondar’s friends list along with all the left-leaning candidates of the School Board, are allowed to work as virtual agents for Carin Bondar, including publishing Bondar’s election sign at the end of a sympathetic article.
Screen capture and crop (with website pixelated) from the Chilliwack Progress newspaper website, presented here for educational and public interest purposes, showing how they stealthily advertise on Bondar’s behalf using their virtual monopoly in the region to promote and defend Bondar.
I now have Adam Barnes, director of investigations at Elections BC in Victoria, threatening to prosecute me for not registering as a “Third Party Advertiser,” which would involve publishing my personal information and address with Elections BC which would then be open to the public to scrutinize. I have been physically threatened many times over the years for my writing and public speaking events, and to force me to publish my private information in such a climate would be to put me in physical danger or otherwise the target of attack. And it should not be required in any case, as I am simply an independent freelance journalist doing exactly what the mega-corporate Black Press has been doing, but on a smaller scale and using different methods of delivery.
I am an independent writer/journalist, public speaker, and political activist. In my role as a writer, I believe I serve an important role in bringing information to the public that the mainstream establishment press may not want to be released, and that is exactly what we saw in this case. We cannot allow ourselves as a society to let corporate media and government determine who can talk about what during an election. Advertising for a candidate is one thing, independent journalism using new forms of dissemination is quite another. Corporate media and independent/freelance journalism must be treated equally.
Great report Jenn. Thanks for exposing the corrupt media here in Chilliwack too.
Thanks for a well written article that exposes Carin Bondar (pun intended)
and her many "science" videos as quasi-pornography. It also exposes the bias in black press.
This site just discovered. I regret the demise of investigative journalism. Julia Tarnawsky
Thank you for your article, Jenn