
Far-Left Activists Encourage ANTIFA Harassment Of James Topp Meet And Greet

It is not a shock that you will find nasty people on Twitter, making all sorts of vulgar remarks and personal attacks, but it is another thing to have people actively encourage ANTIFA to disrupt meet and greet events with pro-freedom veteran James Topp.

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Trudeau’s Eco-Radicalism Will Bring Starvation And Chaos

This brings us to Trudeau and the Liberals’ new insane policy to reduce Nitrogen usage on farms to “fight climate change”.  A similar policy in the Netherlands has sparked massive protests from the farming community, a fact that our legacy media has tried its hardest to ignore. However, the protest by the Dutch farmers arguably is not even the most significant global push back towards a similar policy. In Sri Lanka, the entire government was overthrown over a similar issues.

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The Media Doesn’t Care That A Liberal MP Made Racist Comments About A Black Judge

Mount Royal MP Anthony Housefather seems to have inherited Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s ability to have the legacy media not properly cover scandals associated with him, as he recently got away with saying black SCOTUS judge Clarence Thomas wants antebellum slavery back. 

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The Crown Cannot Convict Tamara Lich, So Instead, They Are Legally Torturing Her

It seems like the Crown is being quite aggressive in their legal pursuit of Tamara Lich, by doing things like seeking a Canada-wide warrant against her, to have her arrested at work in Medicine Hat. In reality, everything the Crown is doing is meant only as delay or harassment tactics against Lich.

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Canada Is Not Free Until Tamara Lich Is

As Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich is sent back to jail on frivolous accusations of the breach of bail conditions for attending the JCCF awards ceremony that a Judge had cleared her for attending. The cold reality is that the entire weight of the state is in motion to keep a peaceful grandmother in jail to send a message dissenting from the authoritarian covid policies of the establishment will not be tolerated.

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Justin Trudeau Is Likely Directing The Political Persecution Of Tamara Lich

To start, the entire case against Tamara Lich is wholly illegitimate. If a Canadian citizen can be thrown in jail for “counselling to commit mischief” ( i.e organizing a protest the government disapproves of), then this is no longer a free country. The protest was ruled to be legal, Tamara was never violent or even advocated for violence, and her arrest and subsequent legal harassment seem to bare Justin Trudeau’s fingerprints all over it.

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Patrick Brown Was Removed From CPC Leadership Race, And Should Never Have Been Let In Anyway

It is not much of a shock that Brampton Mayor, and former Ontario PC leader, Patrick Brown was disqualified from the federal Conservative Party leadership race. Anyone familiar with how Brown operates and how he won the 2015 Ontario PC leadership race knows he is a membership salesman to his core and holds very few conservative principles.

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Conservative Leader Candice Bergen Calls Out CTV Host For “Misinformation” On Freedom Convoy

This time CPC leader Candice Bergen pushed back on Solomon’s weak inferences that somehow Bergan and several CPC MPs have done something wrong by supporting the Freedom Convoy and meeting with organizers or influencers with the convoy. 

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Liberal MP Anthony Housefather Says Justice Thomas Wants To “bring the US back to pre Civil War times”

Is Housefather really such a radical progressive that he thinks it’s fair game to accuse a black judge of being in favour of slavery?

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Michelle Rempel Cleared To Run for UCP Leader Despite Membership Issues

Calgary Nose Hill MP Michelle Rempel Garner has been cleared by the United Conservative Party to run for leadership (if she chooses to) despite her not having had a UCP membership for the required 6 months before the race started. 

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