
Addun: Liberals’ buy-back program is a complete fiasco

Based on the federal government’s new policy, the new gun ban will include more than 1,500 gun models based on overall dimensions and not the rate of fire or ammunition calibre, which would consist of 10 to 12 gauge shotguns hunters use in northern regions of the country. To achieve its goal, the federal government has announced that it will execute an “optional buy-back program” from Canadian gun owners of “Military-Assault” style weapons, which will cost the federal government $2.7 billion according to the Fraser Institute.

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Liberal MP, Marwan Tabbara, faced with several charges, including criminal harassment, break and entering, and assault

Guelph Police have confirmed that the Liberal Member of Parliament for Kitchener South-Hespeler, Marwan Tabbara, faces several charges following an arrest made in Guelph, on April 10th. Tabbara, 35, is charged one count of criminal harassment, one count of break and enter and commit an indictable offence, and two counts of assault, which the police state was “a matter of public record.”

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Facing Bitter Truths: The True Cost and Shortcomings of the Trudeau Government’s COVID-19 Response

Canadians will soon discover that while these programs feel like freebies, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. On his podcast ‘Money Talks,’ economist Michael Campbell discussed the cost of the Liberal government’s massive spending program in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. When taking into account old age security promises, public sector pensions, guaranteed income supplements in addition to COVID-19 spending, Campbell estimates that the real cost of government debt for this year will reach an unprecedented 3.2 trillion dollars.

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Weapons’ trafficking never stops, even during a pandemic

Canadian firearm ownership has been a long-standing contention for the country because of jurisdictional disputes on whether firearms ownership is considered as private property or federal criminal issue. Despite the Canadian Federal Government’s measure to restrict private firearm ownership through the Firearms Act (1995) and the current Federal Liberal government’s new “Assault weapons” ban, the […]

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Ambrose: Trudeau, Seniors Matter Too

Thousands of our seniors continue to be abused, neglected and have died. They amount to over 80 per cent of the province’s COVID-19 related deaths. The report highlighted serious concerns about staffing shortages, shortages of personal protective equipment, and failures to follow procedures needed to keep both staff and residents safe.

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Liberals & NDP deny Wet’suwet’en voice at Indigenous committee

“What are the Liberals hiding, why won’t they allow elected and hereditary chiefs to come to the committee and be heard?”

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State-owned Chinese firm to purchase Toronto-based mining corporation

In early May, it was announced that the Shandong Gold Group would purchase the Toronto-based mining corporation. Also known as SD Gold, the (47%) state-owned Chinese gold mining company will pay $207.4 million to absorb the struggling Canadian firm. At $1.75 per share in cash for TMAC, the Globe and Mail have reported that the sale was “4.2 per cent above the Thursday close on the Toronto Stock Exchange, but more than 70 per cent below its IPO price.” The mine has faced issues since it first opened in 2017. Hundreds of millions of dollars were poured into addressing operational issues.

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Trudeau to hold UN meeting for Security Council Seat. How much will it cost Canada?

But what does this cost Canadian taxpayers? According to Aaron Wudrick of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, “This is absolutely not a good use of money.” He writes, “It’s also tough to argue this is a high priority for Canadians given everything else that is going on.”

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Cantin-Nantel: This leadership race is do-or-die for Social Conservatives

This leadership race is crucial because it will define the future of conservatism in Canada. Our culture is becoming more “woke” and politically correct, and so is the Conservative party. 

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Ambrose: Trudeau fears MacKay

With the CPC in desperate need of leadership, yet it’s base at wits-end, it’s hard to see how the base stands united moving forward. Conservatives are too busy arguing over which candidate is not a liberal, as the threat of further division looms. We have two federal conservative parties and neither can take on the cult of Trudeau at the present time. While conservatives have a knack for rebranding every so often, the Liberal Party. Liberals only have one shade of red. While Trudeau is the author of many embarrassing mistakes, the party stands by his leadership, as a united front. Those who did not tow the company line faced disciplinary action were marginalized from party ranks, and eventually banished from caucus. Case in point, Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott. While the goal is to defeat Trudeau and remain electable, unity is key as not to say whose conservative beliefs are a better shade of blue than mine and vice versa.

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