Harry & Meghan’s RCMP security cost Canadians 50k in January alone

Written By Guest User, Posted on June 17, 2020

According to a news release from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, the RCMP spent more than $50,000 to provide security for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry during their brief stint in Canada.

The RCMP confirmed the couple billed Canadian taxpayers $56,384 as of January 22nd, 2020, despite amassing a net worth of $30 million. The costs following January 22nd are not yet known, while RCMP salary costs were not disclosed, citing “security reasons.”

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has filed an access to information request to obtain the exact costs of the Royals’ visit, which ended March 14th.

In an email to her colleagues, the Commanding Officer of the National Division with the RCMP, Bernadine Chapman, wrote the “Media is on this like a hot potato… so lots of coverage of the potential of the royals to spend half their time in Canada now as a couple.


“We are having a greater conversation next week on the go forward on this,” she says, “this has [the] potential to cost us huge!”

Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, says told TNT “The Trudeau government refused to confirm they were spending taxpayer money on Meghan and Harry, even though they were asked repeatedly by the public,” as “Canadians deserve transparency.” 

“Had the couple not left, the $56,384 bill could have easily turned into millions, and Canadians have been crystal clear that they don’t think taxpayers should be forced to subsidize the lifestyle choices of wealthy celebrities.” 

Eighty thousand people have since signed the Canadian Taxpayers Federation petition that urged against said subsidies.

Guest User

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