
Jagmeet Singh and the NDP’s Economic Platform is All Nationalization

As Canadians across the country become fed-up with Justin Trudeau’s left-wing economic and social record, many have looked to the NDP as an alternative, only to find even more radical socialist views which appear to only be becoming more fringe as an election looms on in the distance.

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Liberal Health Minister Dodges Question on Vaccine Passports

Despite Trudeau and the Liberals trying to imply that they wanted to avoid real discrimination and unfairness, they seem to be setting the stage to push a vaccine passport down the line.

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Can Derek Sloan Win his Reelection? – Yes Absolutely

Like Raybould, Sloan will not be relying just on taking former Conservative voters with him in order to win his reelection, but he could expect to attract non-Conservative voters as well who see voting for Sloan as a symbolic way of signaling their dislike for Conservative Party leader Erin O’Toole, and the direction of the party in general. 

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An Election in 2021 Likely to Result in Another Stalemate

Although it seems to be the consensus among political pundits and poll analysts that currently Erin O’Toole has little chance of beating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, it is noted less often it also seems quite unlikely at this point for Trudeau to win himself back a majority government.  Some polls show Trudeau walking away with […]

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Trudeau and his Cabinet Abstain from Vote Labelling China’s Treatment of Uyghurs as Genocide

Following his ongoing trend of refusing to take a moral stand on China, Trudeau signaled further weakness on the dictatorship with both his cabinet and himself abstaining from today’s vote on MP Chong’s motion. This motion does not even push for retaliatory action against China for the abuse of Uyghurs, and Trudeau was not even willing to take part in the formality of labelling the situation in Xinjiang a genocide.

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Is The Republican Party of Canada a Fake Political Party?

Despite never registering his party or running as a candidate in the 2019 election, Carbone did attempt to get his name out there and began accepting donations for his political aspirations. He set up a website and began campaigning as if he was an independent candidate, despite trying to recruit supporters to his party and additional candidates.

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Liberals Are Trying to Price Independent Media Out of the Market

If Google News is forced to begin paying any media source that they host on their platform then they may have to be more selective of who will be hosted, which is going to affect smaller independent media companies first. 

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Why are Conservative Donations Up While Popularity Falls?

It seems rather odd that while in many provinces all “non-essential” businesses are shut down or restricted in their operations, and many people have gone unemployed, that the federal Conservative party is breaking donation records.

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Liberals Defeat Bill Targetting Illegal Gun Smuggling to Protect their Gun Ban Agenda

Regardless of the obvious utility and focus of Bill C-238 for dealing with gun violence, especially in urban areas, the Liberals and NDP defeated the bill on its second reading in favour of continuing to pursue their antagonistic gun ban against law-abiding Canadian gun owners. 

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Erin O’Toole’s Approval Rating is Falling Hard after Sloan Removal

Since November O’Toole’s favorable rating has taken a hard tumble, dropping down to 63 percent in the most recent Angus Reid poll, a 13 percent loss in popularity among conservatives in little over two months.

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