The Liberals Are Unpopular and Poor – Don’t Expect A Pre-2025 Election

Right now, Justin Trudeau is facing poor public polling numbers, multiple ongoing scandals, as well as worst of all having less than half of the donations as the Conservative Party in the first quarter of 2023. 

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Rosman Valencia, Calgary-East NDP Candidate Supports Illegal Anti-Pipeline Protests

Now it was discovered that Valencia, on his own Twitter, account retweeted content accusing the police of wrongdoing for blocking food/medicine from entering an illegal anti-pipeline protest zone in British Columbia. This was part of protests against the pipeline being built on Wet’suwet’en reserve land, which the tweet Valencia retweeted called a “climate-changing pipeline” implying things like the pipeline were responsible for the flooding in 2021. 

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The Alberta NDP Have Turned Into Crime Deniers

The problem is that because Alberta is in such a tight provincial election, the Alberta NDP has taken the reactionary position to the UCP and has begun to deny the problem of crime and or the effectiveness of law enforcement to deal with the problem. 

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Calgary NDP Candidate Thinks Alberta Is Racist – While Quoting Communists And Anti-Semites

The Alberta NDP candidate for Calgary-East Rosman Valencia is one of many NDP candidates who pitch themselves as being hyper “progressive” and a person to bring Albertans together. Although Valencia may want to see himself this way, his rhetoric, fringe beliefs, and the radical people he quotes do not indicate he will be an uniter […]

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Why Does The Alberta NDP Want Drug Addicts To Suffer?

The NDP likely did this just to be contrarian after the United Conservative Party (UCP) mused about potentially pursuing involuntary treatment options in the future. The NDP is basically declaring they would rather a drug addict die on the streets than have the government force them into rehab. 

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Justin Trudeau Seems To Think Canadians Are Stupid

There has been a large convergence of poor political maneuvers and scandals piling up on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently that raises the question; just how stupid does Trudeau think Canadians are? Obviously, the answer is very, despite not reflecting reality.

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NDP Backs Federal Workers Strike, Despite Higher Pay Than Private Sector Employees

Since all this is obvious nonsensical whining from the federal workers union, federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and particularly dull NDP politicians like Alberta NDP MLA Janis Irwin and member of the NDP Socialist Caucus MP Niki Ashton immediately jumped on board (just to name a few).

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The CBC Whines After Being Designated As “Government-Funded Media” On Twitter

Recently a conservative culture war victory was won after a brief social media campaign mounted by Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre to get Twitter owner Elon Musk to label the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) labeled as government media. 

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Entire Trudeau Foundation Board Resigns For Taking CCP Donations

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was dealt a massive blow today, in regard to the Chinese Communist Party election interference scandal, with the entire Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation board resigning for accepting $1,000,0000 from a CCP-linked billionaire. 

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Jyoti Gondek Proves She Lacks The Character To Be Calgary’s Mayor

While ignoring crime for well over a year, Gondek saw it as far more pressing for her to call a municipal “climate emergency,” attack the police for moving illegal homeless encampments, and of course, pass a bylaw preventing people from protesting drag queen story hour events. 

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