Jagmeet Singh Sold the NDP to Trudeau, For Free

It would not be a major shock to see Singh come under an intense leadership review at the next NDP Annual General Meeting and potentially get replaced by a more hardline union NDP leader, as the hyper progressive base Singh has cultivated has not been a proven election winner in the past let along after what he has done in recent days.

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Pro-Family activist running in B.C. Election has Facebook accounts suspended

Jenn Smith a transgender activist who opposes the British Columbia progressive sex-ed curriculum SOGI 123 had been campaigning as an independent candidate in the provincial riding of Victoria-Swan Lake unimpeded up until Facebook decided to throw obstacles in his way very recently.

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Liberals Ignore Statistics to Push Gun Bans

Wilson also brought up the fact firearms are not even close to the main method driving increasing suicide deaths. She said that, “It is noted that firearm is a distant third in preferred method of suicide and accounts for between 13-15% of all suicides in Canada, showing that the greater issue is a need for better mental health overall.”

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Trudeau and Blair lied to Hunters and Sport Shooters about the Gun Ban

Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when they announced the Order In Council (OIC) “assault style” rifle ban on May 1st of this year tried to reassure hunters and sport shooters that the ban would not affect them.

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Black Lives Matter & Critical Race Theory formally part of School Curriculum?

St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School in Brampton, Ontario, Canada has been teaching young children critical race theory to its student body in this year’s curriculum. This is the controversial political race based curriculum viewed by some as extremist political propaganda and as such has recently been banned in the United States by Presidential executive order.   

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MPP Belinda Karahalios fills Political Void with Ontario’s Newest Political Party

The new conservative party announced by Jim and Belinda Karahalios in their video is called New Blue Party of Ontario, a direct reference to the role the Karahalios’ see the party having – replacing the current PC party as is continues to adopt policies more inline with Kathleen Wynn’s Liberal Party of Ontario. 

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Doug Ford puts Restrictions back on Ontario cities despite Low Death Rates

Ford stated at the announcement of new restrictions that, “I made a decisive decision to act immediately. If I didn’t make this decision now, I would be negligent.” Despite what the Premier said it was just little over a week since a group of Ontario doctors in a letter warned Ford against putting in place another widespread lockdown. 

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The UCP has too many Liberals In its Leadership

It would not be a shock if the more liberal people in leadership positions within the UCP, like Moore, because of friendly relations with many Liberal party MPs and party officials, do not want to be too harsh towards the federal government’s anti-Western policy.

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Enough Liberal bias, bring back Firearms Education in Schools

I remember when I was in primary school, which was not that long ago, that the only resources ever shown in class regarding firearms and gun control were all blatantly left-wing sources. I myself, as a strong conservative, was significantly more pro-gun control after graduating from high school than I am today. 

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Leftists Ridicule President Trump After Contracting COVID-19

Trump testing positive for COVID-19 has exposed a major hypocrisy on the political left. Those who are constantly harping on Trump for being “unpresidential,” rude, or uncaring are out in force demonstrating they are exactly what they accuse Trump of being. 

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