Liberals Move to Censor Discussion of Their Internet Censorship Bill

As if to put the cherry on top of the less than covert attempt of the Liberals to censor the content viewed by Canadians online through Bill C-10, just this Friday morning in the committee set up to study the bill the Liberals put forward a motion to restrict the time allotted for discussion in order to block criticism.

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Canadian Parliament Rejects Banning Sex-Selective Abortion, Including O’Toole and Rempel

Unlike the recent motion to suspend federal elections, using COVID-19 as an excuse, which only had Independent MP Derek Sloan vote against it, Bill C-233 actually had a substantial number of MPs take the principled Conservative position on the issue.

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Where did all of Canada’s Conservatives Go?

Ford and Kenney especially have very overtly dropped their commitments to bringing back fiscal responsibility to either of their provinces, with Ford even going so far as to brag that he had spent more than the Ontario Liberals did in his first two years in office than they ever had before.

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Communist China is an Enemy, Period

Canada has to beat China at its own power game, or Canada will continue being played and merely become a pawn of an overseas Communist regime through economic dependence. 

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Doug Ford’s Government Passes Extention to “Emergency Orders” Until December

Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative Party voted to extend Emergency Orders until December, which were first passed last year through Bill 195. This allows Ford’s government to extend lockdowns and put in place public health orders without the approval of the Ontario Provincial Parliament. 

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Only One MP Votes Against Motion to Suspend Federal Election while “pandemic continues”

All those MPs who lock-step voted for this motion fearing they may be unelected if a federal election should be fearful because this vote is yet another reason to remove them from office if they do not quickly turn their legislative approach around so as to serve those who do not agree with this last year’s overbearing government control. 

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Over 56,000 Canadians Have Signed Anti-VaxxPort Petition, With Months to Go

Showing that there is still a strong sense in Canada of the need to defend their civil liberties, an official Parliamentary petition, e-3236, launched on March 24 through the sponsorship of Independent MP Derek Sloan has already gathered over 56,000 signatures of Canadians who oppose the implementation of a vaccine passport for travel.

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Canada Christian College Application Exposes NDP Attempt to Delete Public Testimony

If the NDP is successful in their attempt to remove mention of the CCC application on Bill 213 then all testimony related could also be scrubbed from the official record, including the embarrassing refutation to Mr. Farooq’s crocodile tears about homophobia. Is this the motivation?

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“Honestly we do this just to discourage travel” – Quarantine Hotels for the Fully-Vaccinated

The frontline worker told TNT the most striking statement was made by the Canadian health official during the long exchange at the airport. When the frontline worker asked, “why are you doing this?  I have all the provisions, multiple tests and I have been fully vaccinated for almost two months, why are you doing this?”  the official responded, “Honesty we do this just to discourage travel.” This shocking statement ran a chill down the back of the person being subjected to this authoritarian process.   

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CNN is Tanking in the Ratings Without Donald Trump

CNN was riding high during the presidency of Donald Trump, and many at the time had predicted that he was the only subject keeping their viewership ratings up, and since the end of Trump’s presidency, the CNN ratings have plummeted to be a mere fraction of what they used to be.

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