Alberta Government Delayed 15,000 Surgeries Yet is Reducing ICU Capacity

Just a few days ago it was noted by skeptics of AHS’ performance during the pandemic that they are now reducing ICU capacity, in spite of the need for more capacity to catch up on the backlog of delayed surgeries.

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Justin Trudeau Proposing a Hard Cap on Oil and Gas will Hard Cap his Prime Ministership

This is a wake-up call to Eastern Canadians. They have to decide whether they are really enviro-radicals who wish to significantly lower their standards of living and simply have oil and gas production shift overseas, or if they will recognize that a modern economy needs cheap and efficient energy to operate. 

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AHS Once Again Starts Shrinking Its ICU Bed Supply Despite Previous Claims of Shortages

According to publicly available data, the AHS has actually significantly reduced available ICU beds over the past two weeks from 376 to 325. 

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Drew Barnes Calls Out the Alberta Government for ICU Bed Shortages – Receives a Limp Response

Barnes is right that the government and AHS failed to increase ICU capacity despite confirming that they had the ability to in their own reports, yet the government, and many legacy media outlets have continued to blame unvaccinated Albertans for ICU bed shortages at the hospitals.

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Senior Edmonton Care Home Staffer Says they Won’t Properly Treat Unvaccinated Residents

“Last week I was informed through the health care workers group I support, that a senior staff member at Villa Caritas Care Home in Edmonton stated that they would “Slow Code” any person who was unvaccinated. This statement was made to another health care worker in an area that was monitored by a camera.”

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NYC Mayoral Candidate calls Opponent a “Robot” for Ignoring Un-Vaxxed Workers being Fired

Sliwa, having been a vigilante crime-fighting for decades, is not one for mincing words and tore into his Democratic opponent Eric Adams for his nonchalant attitude towards current NYC mayor Bill de Blasio effectively firing over 50,000 municipal workers if they are not vaccinated by Friday. 

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Six Million Rapid-Testing Kits for Alberta Kids Despite “safety and efficacy concerns”

It is also disturbing that the Alberta government is pushing parents to give Rapid tests to their children, as well as requiring them for public workers despite “significant safety and efficacy concerns”. 

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Why are Vaccination Numbers of Children Under 12 Going Down in Government Data?

Dickson collected screenshots of the federal government’s data on their website that showed between October 2 and October 16 that the number of children under the age 12-years-old who have received at least one vaccine is slowly decreasing over time. 

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AHS Blinks: Mandatory Vaccination Deadline Extended by an Entire Month

It seemed blatantly irresponsible to the average Albertan for AHS to decide it did not need around 25 percent of its entire workforce, casual or not, and so AHS is now having to reorganize its plans for mandating the vaccine for healthcare professionals.

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AHS Removed 26,255 Staff Members to Achieve 92 Percent Vaccination Rate

Did the AHS suspend or fire 26,255 members of staff just to raise their vaccination statistics at a time when the AHS has been claiming that staffing shortages are hurting their ability to operate?

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