Will Justin Trudeau Make It To 2025? Disapproval Of PM Hits Record High

The difference today is that not only is Trudeau plagued by more new scandals and policy failures, but it seems to have finally caused a massive public opinion shift against Trudeau over the last year. 

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Claypool: The Media Painting Poilievre As ‘Unpopular’ Is Desperate and Pathetic

The media’s sudden fascination with scrutinizing Poilievre’s personal appeal to voters has little to do with believing it’s actually worth analyzing. The “neutral” commentators in the legacy media just don’t want to have to focus on the real popularity issue, that being the failing agenda and public trust in Trudeau and the Liberal government. 

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Poilievre Tells Trudeau To “Butt Out” Of New Brunswick Pro-Parental Rights Policy

When asked about Trudeau’s criticism of the Policy 713 changes saying “trans kids need to feel safe” implying parents should not have oversight over their own children in school, Poilievre said:

I know that Justin Trudeau has butted into that. The prime minister has no business in decisions that should rest with provinces and parents. So my message to Justin Trudeau is, ‘Butt out’ and let provinces run schools and let parents raise kids.

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The Liberals’ Bill C-18 And Bill C-11 Aim Is To Destroy Independent Media

More Canadians need to be educated about what Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government are trying to do to independent media in this country. If the Liberals get their way independent media will be heavily marginalized on the internet and only subsidized government-approved media will be easily accessible online.

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Is The RCMP Investigating Or Protecting Justin Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau doesn’t want it to be public that he is still being currently investigated, but he also does not want the matter to be closed so that the public can gain access to information regarding his attempt to get SNC Lavalin a deferred prosecution for their bribery schemes in Libya. 

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Andrew Coyne’s Mission To Move Conservatism Leftward

The Conservative Party should decisively be a party of the political centre-right to right, and I hope Pierre Poilievre and the rest of the Conservative MPs continue to ignore legacy media “conservatives” like Andrew Coyne trying to push them back to the left.

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Terrorism Supporters Free to Harrass Victims in Canada

While the crowd was gathering, including a father of a victim of the IRGCs terror attack on flight PS752, three Iran regime-supporting thugs harassed attendees, tried to disrupt the event and were not removed from Parliament Hill by the police even after assaulting people.

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Bernier’s Attack On True North Over His WEF Travel Shows The PPC Is Not A Serious Party

This is exactly why Bernier had to go on the offensive at Andrew Lawton and True North, claiming they were acting like the CBC. Bernier knows a lot of his political appeal realized on being perceived as an ideologically pure conservative, so instead of just admitting he attended the WEF but brushing it off as just part of his old job which does not represent who he is, he lashed out.

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26% of 2021 Liberal Voters Will Switch To Another Party in 2025

This leaves only 67 percent of 2021 Liberal voters polled who said they will still be supporting the Liberal Party come the next election.

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Claypool: No, Taxes Cannot Stop Wildfires

The carbon tax is effectively just a revenue-generating and redistributionary tax. Ask yourself this, if Trudeau’s carbon tax was about lowering emissions, why would he give rebates back to Canadians which cover part of the cost of the tax? 

It is as if smokers were given a rebate back for cigarette taxes they pay.

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