Roman Baber Commits to Firing Dr. Theresa Tam If He Becomes Prime Minister

Former Ontario MPP and Conservative leadership contender, Roman Baber, in a recent email to Conservative Party members pledged to “fire Dr. Tam on day 1” if he becomes the next prime minister of Canada. 

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Peterborough Mayor Calls Protesters Heckling Jagmeet Singh “Violent Behaviour”

In the case of Jagmeet Singh, this instance of heckling, although it was rude, is getting played up like it was a physical attack by a mob of rioters. Just look at the comments made by Peterborough Mayor Diane Therrien who labeled what the crowd did by shouting at Singh “violent behaviour” and called on political leaders to condemn the “unacceptable attack.”

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Trudeau Claims Closing Illegal Roxham Road Crossing Will Not Stop Arrival of “Asylum Seekers”

In the face of Legault’s reasonable criticism against a border crossing that enables illegal migration and puts pressure on Canadian taxpayers to foot the bill for those who supposedly are unsafe in the United States, Trudeau made excuses for doing nothing. 

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Legacy Media In Ontario Create Arbitrary Debate Rules To Block New Blue Party From Participating

Although one would assume a party that is polling up to 5 percent (in polls they are included in) and “Other” polling indicating New Blue has strength in Southwest and Southern Ontario, the legacy media does not think they are worth hearing from at the leaders’ debates.

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Conservative MP Calls Out Liberals For Using Military Aircraft To Monitor Freedom Convoy

Yesterday during Question Period in Parliament Conservative MP for South Surrey-White Rock, Kerry-Lynne Findlay, ask the Liberals about one of the lesser-known episodes of the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, which the Liberals are evidently uncomfortable with discussing based on their answers.

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Former Bank of Canada Governor Lies About Inflation To Attack Pierre Poilievre

It is telling that there has been so much heat on Poilievre from the media and various “financial experts.” It all feels like a coordinated effort to try and discredit Poilievre through insinuation he is wrong while being unable to actually prove him wrong.

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Why Is The Legacy Media Actively Ignoring Ontario’s Largest New Party?

Of course, the PCs, NDP, and Liberals are getting the most attention being the highest polling parties in Ontario, but at the same time, one would think the media would be interested in talking about a new party (only slightly over a year old) that has managed to field a full slate of candidates before any other party and that almost has EDAs in every riding.

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Leslyn Lewis Proved In CPC Debate She Has The Fire To Beat Justin Trudeau

Although there is a lot of crossover between those who support Dr. Lewis and Poilievre, it was important at this debate for Lewis to decisively differentiate herself, and she did that on both the Freedom Convoy and social issues.

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New Blue Party Of Ontario Is The First Party To Have A Full Slate of Candidates

This is a significant achievement, not only because the New Blue Party had to develop party infrastructure and EDAs at the same time the recruitment process was started to find candidates, but also because it was all done democratically. If a riding had more than one person wanting to run for the New Blue Party their local EDA had an election, as required by their party constitution, which happened in many ridings across Ontario.

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Leslyn Lewis Plans To Stop Digital ID And WEF Influence In Canada

In an email put out to Conservative Party members Haldimand—Norfolk MP and leadership candidate Dr. Leslyn Lewis gave a detailed explanation for her opposition to Digital ID as well as the World Economic Forum (WEF) which promotes Digital ID and other policies that centralizes government power.

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