Tamara Lich Arrested In Medicine Hat, Supposedly For “Breaking Bail Conditions”

Freedom Convoy 2022 organizer, as well as one of the main leaders of the protest movement, Tamara Lich was arrested in Medicine Hat this evening supposedly due to her breaking bail conditions.

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Liberal MP Anthony Housefather Says Justice Thomas Wants To “bring the US back to pre Civil War times”

Is Housefather really such a radical progressive that he thinks it’s fair game to accuse a black judge of being in favour of slavery?

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Theresa Tam Given A 22% Pay Raise Despite Her Consistently Bad Public Health Advice

Canada’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Theresa Tam has become well known for being one of the biggest proponents of vaccine mandates, and lockdowns in the country, and yet despite her tunnel vision on public health she was given a 22 percent pay raise. 

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Pierre Poilievre Talks About Canadians “Camping” At Government Offices Just To Get Basic Services

Carlton MP and Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre released a humorous and informative video today showing how slow the delivery of government services in Canada has become, despite the bloated budget the federal Liberal government is operating with. 

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Michelle Rempel Cleared To Run for UCP Leader Despite Membership Issues

Calgary Nose Hill MP Michelle Rempel Garner has been cleared by the United Conservative Party to run for leadership (if she chooses to) despite her not having had a UCP membership for the required 6 months before the race started. 

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Is Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government Falling Apart?

Maybe it’s due to the slumping Liberal poll numbers, record-high inflation, the Emergencies Act scandal, or the new RCMP Commissioner scandal, but the Liberals have become noticeably tired in their defence of themselves.

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UCP Leadership Hopeful Bill Rock Says Michelle Rempel Has Been In The “Ottawa/Davos” Bubble Too Long

Amisk Mayor Bill Rock pointed out that anyone who is planning on running for leadership of the UCP and doesn’t know what issues Albertans are concerned about clearly is out-of-touch.

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Justin Trudeau Claims He Has COVID But Is Ignoring His Own Quarantine Rules

Just a few days ago Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he tested positive for COVID-19, and yet he is already planning on getting back on the road for a trip to Europe and Rwanda for a world leaders summit. 

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Liberals Forced To Drop Travel Restrictions After Public And Industry Pressure

The removal of the travel restrictions should take effect on June 20, which is obviously a political defeat seeing as Minister LeBlanc vowed that the government could bring the restrictions back at another time.

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Public Saftey Minister Marco Mendicino’s Must Resign For His Endless Emergencies Act Lies

Even if a more liberal Canadian agreed with the ideological views of Mendicino, there is no coming back from the fact that as Public Safety Minister during and after the invocation of the Emergencies Act, he has been nothing but a bad liar. 

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