City Of Toronto Puts Out Video Implying Unvaccinated Kids Should Stay Home

If you wanted an example showing that Canada’s progressive left does not want to end vaccine segregation any time soon, the City of Toronto recently released, and then was pressured into deleting, a video implying that unvaccinated children should not go outside to play.

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Hypocrisy? Why Did Danielle Smith’s Restaurant Enforce All COVID Restrictions?

At the end of the day, Danielle Smith talks a lot and dictates to government officials about how they should have gotten punted from their jobs to stand for freedom, while she never actually put anything on the line herself, and enforced strict COVID-19 measures at her restaurant, and only gained popularity from her grandstanding.

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Ben Shapiro Slams The CBC For Accusing Him Of Radicalizing Young Men

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro took a chunk of the taxpayer-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) for attacking him with vague accusations that he is helping to radicalize young men.

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Brian Jean Says Danielle Smith’s Health Spending Account App Is Effectively Digital ID

After former Wildrose Party leader and UCP leadership candidate, Danielle Smith, rolled out her plans for personal health spending accounts, fellow leadership candidate Brian Jean noticed that what Smith was proposing smelled an awful lot like a Digital ID program. 

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Justin Trudeau Liberals Are Going To Spend More Money To Curb Inflation…

Recently, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled the Liberals’ plans to curb inflation in Canada, but one obvious issue with what was presented was that it all supposedly requires a lot more government spending in order to “make life more affordable.” 

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Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party Is Smashing Trudeau In The Polls

The poll was conducted explicitly stating that it would be “Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party” which members of the legacy media have been predicting would hurt the CPC’s chances in an election, and in spite of that, the CPC has an 11.9 percent lead over the Liberals.

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Pierre Poilievre Wins Conservative Leadership Race On First Ballot (70.7% Of The Vote)

Well, it was not shocking that Carlton MP Pierre Poilievre won the Conservative Party leadership race, but that does not mean it is not impressive that Poilievre was able to win the leadership race on the first ballot with 68.2 percent of the points available (100 points per riding).

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Justin Trudeau’s Popularity Continues To Float Around The Worst Its Ever Been

In spite of Justin Trudeau going on a national charm offensive, meeting world leaders to discuss new “Green” energy initiatives, and proposing new measures to reduce inflation (which to nobody’s surprise involves massive spending), his popularity ratings are still limping along at their lowest levels.

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Travis Toews Says He Will Ban UCP Cabinet Ministers From Attending WEF Events

When asked about the WEF Toews agreed that the influential non-profit’s left-wing values and syndicalist/corporatist economic policies were completely out-of-line with what a Conservative should believe and stated “Ministers in my cabinet will not be allowed to attend WEF events.”

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Four UCP Leadership Candidates Unify To Attack Danielle Smith’s Sovereignty Act

At a 10 am press conference this morning, UCP leadership candidates Brian Jean, Travis Toews, Leela Aheer, and Rajan Sawhney, united together to criticize Danielle Smith’s proposed Sovereignty Act plan, which she says will allow the Alberta government to ignore federal policies that in some way infringe on provincial jurisdiction.

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