City Of Toronto Puts Out Video Implying Unvaccinated Kids Should Stay Home

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on September 21, 2022

If you wanted an example showing that Canada’s progressive left does not want to end vaccine segregation any time soon, the City of Toronto recently released, and then was pressured into deleting, a video implying that unvaccinated children should not go outside to play.

Andrew Lawton from True North posted the original video on Twitter.

The City of Toronto’s excuse for deleting the video was that it somehow lacked “clarity” and they want to “ensure clear understanding” which is the most patronizing way of pretending they were not falsely implying unvaccinated children should stay at home.

Everyone knows exactly what the City of Toronto was trying to say, but they only miscalculated the amount of Torontonians, and Canadians in general, that would be disgusting by the sentiments of the video.

The mother in the video warning her daughter to not go outside because “something is still going around” asserts the very gross and misleading claim that somehow children were at any significant risk of dying from COVID, and that they need to be vaccinated in order to stay safe. 

In reality, the number of children who died of COVID is incredibly low and is close to zero when you control for people who “died with COVID” and not specifically died due to COVID. 

Really, what is underlying the flawed “science” behind wanting unvaccinated to stay home, is simply a bigotry against people who made different health choices than the majority of Canadians, from leftists in government who detest the idea of individual freedoms for those they disagree with.

At the very least it’s good to see that the City of Toronto was hit with such a harsh backlash that they had to delete the video. It proves a large portion, and likely a majority, of Canadians are getting very sick of the divisive rhetoric surrounding COVID-19, and want to simply move on at this point.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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