The Churches Have to Stop Burning

Ten years ago if you heard someone talking about the war on Christianity, it was a likely indicator of potential radicalism and or conspiratorial thinking. However, with dozens of churches going up in flames across the country and the tacit acceptance from the political establishment, the message is clear to the Christians of Canada: you are not as important as other groups.

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The Left has a Problem with the Jews

Many Jews on the political Left are going through a serious crisis, as they are watching the same people they marched with and for over the last year turn on them or gaslight them in their time of need.  Personally, I was not surprised when the BLM movement turned against the Jews, not just because they were explicitly anti-Israel on their website, but because antisemitism is the logical outcome of modern Leftist theory/rhetoric.

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Is Derek Sloan Starting a New Political Party?

Voter fatigue in the stagnant slow movement left in Canadian politics may attract Canadians to a party run by the one-time Conservative leadership candidate if he can bring an anti-establishment message that can still appeal to the mainstream Canadian voter.

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As Pro-Palestinian Mobs Attack Jews, Politicians Cry Islamophobia

All around the world Jews are under attack.  From rockets flying at Tel Aviv to rocks being pelted at Jews in Montreal, anti-semitic attacks are rampant globally. An elderly Jewish man was beaten in Toronto, a Jewish woman was allegedly sexually assaulted in the same incident, rocks and tear gas (not from police) were launched at a crowd of Jews in Montreal, “activists” drove through Jewish sections of London to threaten mass rape of Jews, Jews are being targeted in Los Angeles and countless other attacks are coming.  

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In Honour of Joe Biden, Iran has Started Killing Americans

In the last few weeks, there have been 3 attacks on American bases from Iranian-backed militias resulting in multiple casualties and the death of an American contractor. All of this is standard practice to anyone who understands the pathology of the Islamic Republic and an all too predictable result of the Biden administration’s return to “normal” on foreign policy.

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Trudeau Tops his Record of Hypocrisy and Failure

At the start of the year when the first vaccines started to hit the market, the Conservatives made the claim that “Canada was last in line for vaccines”. This was met with a chorus of ridicule for the Liberals and the media when Canada was the third country to put a needle in someone’s arm. […]

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Trudeau’s Minister of “Heritage” wants to Censor the Internet

It has been very clear that the political focus of the bill is not on the women and children who have been exploited by sociopaths enabled by the big porn companies, but rather to fight “hate speech”.

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Why Erin O’Toole Can’t Win a General Election

Erin O’Toole has had a terrible stretch over the last two weeks, he started the expected ritual the man who runs as a “True Blue Conservative” in the leadership race begins to distance himself from the conservative base by getting into a silly fight with Ezra Levant and Rebel media.  O’Toole had done an interview with the Rebel, but to appeal to the segment of the population that would never vote for him, he denied that he did.

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After Death Threats from Pakistan Supporters, Activist’s Murder Ruled a Suicide

An anonymous source within the Toronto police services with years of investigative experience told the National Telegraph that they and many other police officers don’t believe this was a suicide, and want the case to be given over to the homicide unit.  

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Trudeau is now in an Open Alliance with the Media

To any close observer of Canadian politics, we can clearly see the Liberals working almost hand and hand with their “trusted media”. Just last week Justin Trudeau chose to announce an over 500% increase to the Carbon Tax, breaking an election promise. However, he knew the right time to do it, just as the first vaccines were rolling out.

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