
Hong Kong’s freedom at risk as China imposes authoritarian control

Right now, China is moving to ban “treason, secession, sedition and subversion” in Hong Kong, which is a way for the Chinese government to crack down on pro-democracy demonstrations and protests against the Communist Party of China (CCP) and undermine local law in Hong Kong.

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Rashida Talib calls Israel’s Creation “Ethnic Cleansing”

Despite an international arms embargo in the region, they managed to win their independence war, or the “Nakba” as Rashida Talib calls it, which leads me to my next point. Due to the overwhelming odds in favour of the Arabs initially, many Arab Palestinians were moved off their lands by the Arab armies who promised their return following the war. Therefore, most of the 750 000 Arab refugees never saw an Israeli soldier.

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Canadians’ opinion of China plummets due to COVID-19

China’s favourability has been declining for a few years now, with it being at 48% in 2017, 38% in 2018, 29% in 2019, and now only 14% in 2020, which represents the largest decline in China’s approval in a single year in Canada.

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China’s racist attitudes towards Africans comes out during pandemic

African residences of the city of Guangzhou this past week have been subject to evictions from landlords, as well as random COVID19 tests and 14-day quarantines specifically targeted at them. This was verified through dozens of interviews conducted by multiple media companies.

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UN fails to hold China accountable on phasing out coal

Where does Canada fit into this? According to McMillan, each Canadian LNG plant effectively reduces carbon output to the tune of 100 MT each year. It would produce 65 per cent fewer greenhouse gases than coal when used in Asia to generate electricity. China, despite its commitment to reducing its emissions, built hundreds of new coal-fired power plants in 2019. Its coal capacity will continue to grow over the next couple of decades, amounting to 39 per cent of global consumption by 2040.

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The WHO Director-General is a Communist

With all the recent news coming out about the World Health Organization (WHO) praising Communist China’s response to the COVID19 pandemic, and having its officials refuse to acknowledge Taiwan (aka. The Republic of China) as a country in interviews, it should be no surprise that the Director-General of the WHO is himself a revolutionary communist.

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Sikhs and Hindus: The lost victims of religious persecution

While neighbouring countries and international bodies expressed “outrage” and “dismay” over the tragedy, the condolences only went as far as that – heartfelt tweets urging togetherness. All talk and no action. However, it was not all futile. In 2015, a first-term Conservative MP, Garnett Genuis, took a stand against the persecution of religious minorities abroad, with his petition on the Plight of Afghanistan’s Religious Minorities. Recently, the National Telegraph interviewed the incumbent on his advocacy of religious minorities, discussing his inspiration for the petition and the state of Canada’s Sikh population today.

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Bordman: China joins the UN’s Inhuman Rights Council

Bordman: This is living proof that trusting the UN to arbitrate any aspect of Canadian life, whether it deals with human rights, the environment or immigration is a dangerous game. Not only is the UN biased and nonsensical, but it is also immoral. 

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How dangerous is China?

The Communist government of China bears the brunt of responsibility for the outbreak. With its reopening of wet markets, concerns remain regarding China’s commitment to prevention and containment. Reports indicate their acknowledgement of the virus as early as November, but, rather than pursuing a means of containment, they silenced doctors to maintain their image

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Report: China under-reported COVID-19 deaths

It seems to be taken as a fact of life that multiple health crises have come out of the People’s Republic of China in the past decades. Communist regimes have never had the health and safety of their people as a top priority, but that doesn’t make each instance of blatant neglect any less disturbing.

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