
Unable to stop Supreme Court Confirmation, Senate Democrats boycott ACB Vote

Yesterday, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee held a vote to finalize Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court. And as expected, Senate Democrats made another political play to delay ACB’s confirmation by boycotting the hearing altogether. Outside the Senate Judicial Committee chambers, however, Senate Democrats protested and made the following […]

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Are Alliances in Armenian-Azeri Conflict Starting a Regional Cold War?

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been officially ongoing since the ending years of the Soviet empire, with only a ceasefire having kept things calm since 1994. But in some senses, the deepest roots of the conflict go back centuries.

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Are Democrats using Trump’s health scare to Block SCOTUS Appointment?

Shortly after mainstream media sources reported Trump’s COVID test results, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated in a press conference that Trump’s COVID result should be another reason to delay Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for her confirmation to the United States Supreme Court. Schumer is claiming that it would be unsafe to hold any hearings or vote.

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Trump to designate ANTIFA, KKK as domestic terrorist organizations

Over the next four years this plan is looking to achieve some bold initiatives regarding improving the black community’s access to health care, educational and economic opportunities: including creating three million new jobs for the black community, as well as 500,000 new black owned businesses, along with increasing access to capital in black communities by almost $500B. 

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Will Trump’s Peace Deals Bring Self Sufficient Israeli Military?

Another point to remember, there are many rising figures in the Democrat Party who are hostile to Israel, including near-Democrat Presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders. If they were to God forbid take control of US foreign policy, Israel may be immediately cut off from all the aid, leaving them in a very vulnerable situation. In this situation, Israel ends up completely high and dry, as most of its arms imports are from the US and their own innovation and industry won’t kick in fast enough to fill the supply need.

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Has Georgia Become the New Israel in the Caucasus?

Like Israel, Georgia is surrounded by countries that seek to destroy it, are hostile to one another, or are infected with overwhelming corruption and authoritarianism to the point that normalized relations with one another and Georgia seem unattainable over the long term. This of course excluded the additional threats from non-adjacent neighbours like Syria, Iran, and Iraq. 

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China’s CPEC- “A Corridor to Nowhere”!

CPEC was intended to rapidly modernize Pakistani infrastructure and strengthen its economy by the construction of modern transportation networks, numerous energy projects and special economic zones (SEZs). However, according to the Centre for Strategic and International studies (CSIS), these SEZs remain largely empty today and the long-standing challenges have only become more exacerbated. Facing unsustainable debt levels, growth rates down to 3 percent, 5-year high inflation rates and soaring deficits, Pakistan’s economy is definitely moving in the reverse direction.

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Planned Right-Wing Protest Likely to Trigger ANTIFA Violence

Sept. 26th is within a week of the U.S. election, so while everyone’s freedom of speech is protected for everyone, it is conceivable that a massive street fight between Proud Boys and Antifa groups could have an irreversible effect on the election, although who’s to say what will happen.

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Kashmir no longer an Apartheid Warzone- thanks to Indian Government 

The Indian parliament had just voted to integrate the State of Jammu and Kashmir fully and finally with the Union of India. The State had also been bifurcated into two Union territories- Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. The move is undoubtedly a huge leap forward towards global peace, dismantling the war-like ambience of Kashmir and cutting off the lifelines of radical terrorism from across the border.

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Islamic Relief Worldwide: The Muslim Brotherhood, And Anti-Semitism

The entire board of directors of the United Kingdom’s largest Muslim charity have resigned, the second major turnover of senior members of the organization in less than a month. Both events are related to issues of terrorism glorification and anti-Semitism.  

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