Multiple Shooters in Multiple Terrorist Attacks in Vienna

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on November 2, 2020

On Monday Austrian police confirm a terrorist attack had taken place near a synagogue in central Vienna that has so far injured or killed several people, but the exact numbers are still not yet known. As the attack continued the scale and number of attacks would be more than just the initial one.

Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer confirmed the nature of the attack stating, “At the moment, I can confirm we believe this is an apparent terror attack.” 

The Austrian police have cordoned off large areas of Vienna around where the shootings took place, and are now on a manhunt for the multiple shooters, to which the exact number is unknown.

As time went on it became more clear that more than one shooting had occurred that had involved several coordinated attackers at the same time. At first it was just the initial synagogue shooting that was reported in all of the confusion but the scale of the attack has been confirmed to be much wider than first expected.

Nehammer followed up later as the situation became more clear with the logistics of the shooting and manhunt.

Nehammer said, “At the moment we assume there are several perpetrators. Unfortunately there are also several injured, probably also dead.”

One video came out showing the police chasing down one individual suspect.

Some cellphone video is available showing what seems to be four of the attacks surrendering together, but it is not yet known if these are in fact all of the attacks or if there are still more out in the streets targeting civilians. 

This seems to indicate that the terrorists had potentially planned on going on the killing spree as well as surrendering as most attacks like these end in the deaths of the attackers.

More updates will come out as time goes on. This is still a developing situation.


The Austrian police put out a tweet laying out some of the general details about the multiple terrorist attacks.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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