
Fed Up Ontarians Bring Protests To Politicians’ Homes

Peaceful assembly, protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, suggests countless people gathered shoulder-to-shoulder at the base of a government building. This is sometimes the case, but more often it’s just smaller groups of concerned citizens coming together wherever it makes sense at the moment. This includes businesses, busy intersections, and, as is the case lately, the homes of key decision-making politicians.

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Doug Ford is Moving Heaven And Earth to Stop MPP Belinda Karahalios from Speaking

If you needed any more proof Ontario Premier Doug Ford and the PC Party hates the Karahalios’ the Speaker of the Legislature making up a new COVID rule to keep New Blue Party MPP Belinda Karahalios out of Queens Park should convince you.

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Doug Ford is Once Again Attempting to Extend his Bill 195 Emergency Powers

Ontario Premier Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservative government are once again attempting to extend Bill 195, the ironically named “Reopening Ontario Act,” tomorrow through Motion 8 so 195 will expire on March  28, 2022, rather than December 1, 2021. 

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‘Non-Compliance Picnic’ Voices Dissent against Vaxxports in Toronto

“They’re not going to listen to the people, we know that already. We’ve always got to stand up and take action in any creative way we can because otherwise, we’re going to lose all our freedoms,” Rose expanded.

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Is MPP Randy Hillier the “Controlled Opposition” for the Doug Ford Ontario PC Government?

Last weekend, former PC MPP Randy Hillier announced he is currently attempting to form his own provincial political party, despite the successful registration in early 2021 of Jim and Belinda Karahalios’s New Blue Party of Ontario as a right-of-centre alternative to Doug Ford’s Ontario PC Party.

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Strong Opposition to Vaccine Passports is Stopping Their Implementation Across Canada

Despite Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Alberta Premier Jason Kenney often being the most frustrating to their constituents when it came to the lockdown rules, it seems that the magnitude of people’s discontent with the draconian public health rules has finally gotten through to them.

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Doug Ford’s Government Passes Extention to “Emergency Orders” Until December

Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative Party voted to extend Emergency Orders until December, which were first passed last year through Bill 195. This allows Ford’s government to extend lockdowns and put in place public health orders without the approval of the Ontario Provincial Parliament. 

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Doug Ford’s Power-Hungry Government Cannot Be Trusted to Let Go

Canada’s cases currently stand at around 2500 cases per day, whereas they sat at around 3000 cases per day in April, prior to the decision by the Ford government to bring in the stay-at-home orders. The lockdown has now been extended by 2 weeks to end on June 2nd, but how much faith we can have in this new end date? One need only look back at this past year.

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Ontario Police Departments Refuse to Enforce Ford’s Police-State Measures

Adrian Woolley, president of the Peel Region Police Association (PRPA), speaking on behalf of front line officers in Peel Region that the restrictions “are in direct conflict with our Charter of Rights and Freedoms”, and that the province is putting the police service in an “untenable position”.

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Ford Forces Ontario back into Lockdown – Kenney Refuses to Ease Restrictions

Although very rational arguments against lockdowns and the further sacrifice of the economy to theoretically reduce the spread of COVID are there to be made, neither Kenney, Ford, or most other Conservatives for that matter, are willing to make the argument, and to the detriment of Albertans, Ontarians, and Canadians overall. 

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