Trudeau wants Municipalities’ help Grabbing Guns

Municipalities being granted the power to decided on new restrictions and bans on handguns effectively hands the political responsibility for bans onto local government, while giving the federal government the go ahead to enforce firearms legislation it does not directly have to take political responsibility for.

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Is Trudeau Still Pushing Forward the Gun Ban Despite Scandal and Pandemic?

When asked whether or not the Liberals may simply just deepen their current deficit spending to pay for the entirety of the firearms ban Giltaca said, “I fully expect the Liberal government to follow through with their plans entirely no matter how they choose to fund it.”

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Vandenhoff: Why is Trudeau punishing law-abiding firearms owners instead of criminals?

So we should really start concentrating on looking at the key point. And that’s the criminals not the law abiding firearms owners. You know, I get vetted every day. I work at a gun store. I have never committed a crime. Why am I being punished for ones that have? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

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NFA and CTF back small business owner’s court case against Trudeau’s gun ban

Both the Canadian Tax Federation and the National Firearms Association have stated their support for the court challenge, with the CTF sending a fundraising email to its membership and the NFA footing the bill for the legal costs.

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Notley supports Trudeau’s gun grab

Earlier in the week, Alberta’s New Democratic Party (NDP) voted against a United Conservative Party (UCP) motion designed to protect Alberta gun owners from the federal Liberal government’s broad gun ban announced a couple of months back. UCP Environment Minister Jason Nixon, regarding his firearms motion, said that “All of the United Conservative Party members […]

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