Jim and Belinda Karahalios were interviewed on The Agenda with Steve Paikin where they broke down the reasons for moving from trying to change the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) from the inside to starting their own conservative party to challenge it from the outside; the New Blue Party of Ontario.
The new conservative party announced by Jim and Belinda Karahalios in their video is called New Blue Party of Ontario, a direct reference to the role the Karahalios’ see the party having – replacing the current PC party as is continues to adopt policies more inline with Kathleen Wynn’s Liberal Party of Ontario.
Karahalios sent out an email to her constituents detailing how the PC party has been violating its own rules around being neutral towards riding associations and allowing them to be independent, as well as trying to prevent Karahalios from ever running again for party.
Erin O’Toole’s National Director of Field Operations, David Parker, has been caught once again bragging about his vengeful and unethical political behaviour. Parker, who was caught bragging about “ruining (Jim Karahalios) entire life”, is now claiming to be responsible for the political assassination of Andrew Scheer and Pierre Poilievre.
On Canada Day, Conservative leadership hopeful Erin O’Toole was in Ottawa filming a video decrying how ’cancel culture’ is coming for the Canadian flag. While there has yet to be a mainstream movement to cancel the Canadian flag, Erin O’Toole is certainly right to oppose whatever radical faction is pushing for it. However, the major […]
[…] National Telegraph […]