Doug Ford

Caliphate Forming on U.S. Northern Border: How Will President Trump React?

Peel Regional Police DEI Squad Submits to Extremists and Puts Canada-US Relations at Risk. It’s no secret to anyone paying attention that Canada has faced an Islamist extremist problem for well over a decade. This issue has now reached a boiling point, resulting in numerous mass protests across the country in support of extremist groups […]

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The Trump Effect Exposes Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Weakness

Why Doug Ford’s Progressive-Conservatives Harass Truckers and Continue to Ignore Threats Within Canada Beginning the week of January 21, 2025, the Canadian trucking industry was thrown into chaos in Ontario, Canada. There was an unexplained and unprecedented exponential increase in safety enforcement, unlike anything previously seen in the trucking industry. The enforcement blitz appeared to […]

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Doug Ford Once Again Caves To The Teacher Unions He Has Enabled For Years

Doug Ford in the face of this authoritarian language from the CUPE leadership said that the unions should trust his government to repeal Bill 28 on November 14 (when the next sitting of the legislature begins) because they have “never had a better partner” than his government.

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Doug Ford Running From The EA Inquiry Shows How Toxic Opposing Freedom Has Become

Ontario Premier Doug Ford may have proudly said he “stood shoulder to shoulder” with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a recent press conference, in response to a question about Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act, while the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) was beginning its inquiry, but now he is less than reluctant to testify. 

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Ontario Premier Doug Ford Says He Still Supports Justin Trudeau’s Use Of The Emergencies Act

Ontario Premier Doug Ford at a press conference with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reiterated his support for the use of the Emergencies Act to clear the Freedom Convoy protest around the Parliament building in Ottawa. 

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Doug Ford Is Acting As Justin Trudeau’s Attack Dog Against the Freedom Convoy

It seems like Doug Ford is acting as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s attack dog against the Freedom Convoy after Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson weakened against the convoy and called for the federal government to engage in negotiations with the convoy organizers.

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Doug Ford is Moving Heaven And Earth to Stop MPP Belinda Karahalios from Speaking

If you needed any more proof Ontario Premier Doug Ford and the PC Party hates the Karahalios’ the Speaker of the Legislature making up a new COVID rule to keep New Blue Party MPP Belinda Karahalios out of Queens Park should convince you.

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Is MPP Randy Hillier the “Controlled Opposition” for the Doug Ford Ontario PC Government?

Last weekend, former PC MPP Randy Hillier announced he is currently attempting to form his own provincial political party, despite the successful registration in early 2021 of Jim and Belinda Karahalios’s New Blue Party of Ontario as a right-of-centre alternative to Doug Ford’s Ontario PC Party.

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Ontario Police Departments Refuse to Enforce Ford’s Police-State Measures

Adrian Woolley, president of the Peel Region Police Association (PRPA), speaking on behalf of front line officers in Peel Region that the restrictions “are in direct conflict with our Charter of Rights and Freedoms”, and that the province is putting the police service in an “untenable position”.

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Ontario Lockdown 3? What Science are Doug Ford and his Experts Following?

Dr. Peter Jüni, scientific director of Ontario’s COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, has been making the rounds in mainstream media to propagate his opinion that Ontario will need another lockdown, with stricter measures, in order to contain Ontario’s “third wave” which he believes will be largely led by the new variants.

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