Former Liberal Finance Minister Says Trudeau Pandemic Spending Was All About “Popularity”

Morneau effectively admits to trying to actually keep spending somewhat responsible in the Liberal government but Justin Trudeau and those in his office would prevent the rolling back of unnecessary or even toxic pandemic spending in order to maintain popularity. 

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Are The Mask Zealots Killing Kids?

The current cry from the media-sanctioned health experts is the current presence of three different respiratory illnesses: COVID, RSV, and the flu. There is also a very worrying trend we have seen of an increased child mortality rate in flu and RSV cases. All of this is true, but the problem may be that the rhetoric and solutions offered by the expert class may indeed be driving the current problem.

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China’s Communist Government Cancels Its Infamous Zero-COVID Policy

Zero-COVID was the public policy that caused millions of Chinese citizens to get welded into their homes, locked inside stores to “quarantine” or put into camps whenever any COVID infection was detected in a mainland Chinese city.

Now the vast majority of testing and quarantine requirements have been wiped out.

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Why People Should Not Comply With New Mask Mandates

So when you are pushing back against COVID policy, do so in a way that the CBC can not bring on some “science” mercenary to dismiss with their expertise. My body, my choice, the importance of informed consent, the dangers of government overreach, and the need to be able to live in a society that respects each other’s opposing views and is not forced to snitch on each other are a lot more effective than any data point you can find. 

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COVID Cases Spike Across Canada While Deaths Flatline – Media And Politicians Freak Out Anyway

The issue is that although it is true that there is a large wave of cases, per capita the harm being inflicted on the Canadian population is incredibly mild. Omicron’s symptoms tend to be similar to a mild cold, and a large portion of people who get it don’t even realize they have it until they are tested for it. 

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Liberal Media Refuses to Cover Censored Doctor Press Conference After 468,000 Views

Getting 468,000 views on the other hand should guarantee a spot on every evening news broadcast in the country, but that isn’t the treatment MP Derek Sloan’s press conference platforming censored and harassed doctors received.

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Facebook Tries to Censor Derek Sloan’s Press Conference on Censorship of Doctors

These medical professionals are currently working and are experts in relevant fields to the subject of COVID-19 and vaccines. Dr. Byram Bridle for instance is an immunology professor from the University of Guelph Ontario, who himself has expertise in the area of novel vaccine development.

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Healthcare Theatre: Alberta Government Fences Off Grace Life Church

Canadians’ Charter Rights seem to have taken a backseat to the healthcare theatre of politicians trying to show the lefty mainstream media how much they can pretend to care about health and safety while throwing the entire economy under the bus.

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Ford Forces Ontario back into Lockdown – Kenney Refuses to Ease Restrictions

Although very rational arguments against lockdowns and the further sacrifice of the economy to theoretically reduce the spread of COVID are there to be made, neither Kenney, Ford, or most other Conservatives for that matter, are willing to make the argument, and to the detriment of Albertans, Ontarians, and Canadians overall. 

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Trudeau says to take “the very first vaccine that you are offered” Despite AstraZeneca Issues

Despite reasonable concerns regarding the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine coming from the medical community Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pushing Canadians to take the first vaccine offered to them.

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