CERB is Causing an Entitlement Crisis

Many Canadians were expecting to receive Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) payments on September 1. However, the cheques are currently a day late, so some have taken to Twitter to complain about the holdup and then complain at those pointing out their entitlement.  Did anyone still not receive their CERB payment today? I still haven’t. […]

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MP Viersen Urges Liberals to Adopt ‘Back to Work Bonus’ to Help Workers & Small Business

Today, Arnold Viersen, Member of Parliament for Peace River–Westlock joined his Conservative colleagues in announcing a new Conservative proposal to improve the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) – called the Back to Work Bonus. With concerns emanating over the federal government’s handling of CERB, with the lack of support for small business a chief concern, […]

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