Former Liberal Candidate Calls For Liberal Party To Be Investigated For CCP Interference

Former Liberal Party candidate turned Independent MP Kevin Vuong recently debated representatives of his former party, demanding that a special prosecutor investigate the Liberal Party itself to uncover potential connections to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) interference network in Canada. 

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House Of Commons Votes For A Public Inquiry Into CCP Election Interference

Despite Trudeau trying to keep the investigation into election interference in the background by appointing a “special rapporteur” with connections to the Trudeau family and Liberal Party, the House of Commons voted in favour of launching a  public inquiry into election interference.

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Trudeau Names Family Friend And Buddy To The CCP As Election Interference Investigator

Not only was Johnston a friend of Justin Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, but Johnston currently serves on the board of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation, the same Trudeau foundation that just had to return $200,000 in donations from CCP-connected sources.

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WATCH: Pierre Poilievre Confronts Trudeau Over His Admiration Of “China’s Basic Dictatorship”

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre confronted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today in Parliamentary Question Period regarding his comments from 2013 where he stated he admires “China’s basic dictatorship”. 

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Justin Trudeau Cannot Live Without The CCP

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has signaled that although he knows how toxic the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) influence in Canadian elections is, he also cannot live without it. 

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Was Liberal MP Han Dong Involved In The Smear Campaign Against MP Kevin Vuong?

When Vaughan left office in 2021, he supported Kevin Vuong as his replacement, which led to Vuong being acclaimed as the Liberal nominee for Spadina-Fort York for that year’s election. Dong may have wanted to switch ridings to Spadina-Fort York or at the least wanted to ensure a political ally was installed as the riding’s representative. 

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Was There A CCP Plot to Undermine Anti-Communist MP Kevin Vuong?

Kevin Vuong was a Liberal Party candidate during the 2021 election and had been operating in local Toronto municipal politics since 2018. Political insiders would likely have been able to intuit that Vuong holds anti-communist views, as he is the son of refugees from South Vietnam and a proud former Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Navy. 

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Ex-Liberal MP Calls Out Liberals’ Tolerating CCP And Islamic Republic “puppet candidates” In Our Elections

On December 6th, 2022, Independent MP Kevin Vuong put forth a scathing criticism of the Liberal government on the issue of foreign interference. After receiving the customary concern-sounding word salad, Vuong pushed for an answer asking if the Liberal government would continue to be a permanent doormat for the Iranian and Chinese governments.

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China’s Communist Government Cancels Its Infamous Zero-COVID Policy

Zero-COVID was the public policy that caused millions of Chinese citizens to get welded into their homes, locked inside stores to “quarantine” or put into camps whenever any COVID infection was detected in a mainland Chinese city.

Now the vast majority of testing and quarantine requirements have been wiped out.

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Liberals Refuse To Release Information On Which MPs Received Election Resources From China

Conservative MPs Michael Cooper, Dane Lloyd, and Richard Lehoux all asked the government why Justin Trudeau continues to refuse to publicly release evidence of election interference during the 2019 federal election, but Liberal Parliamentary Secretary Pam Damoff could only respond with platitudes about keeping Canadian elections safe.

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