Senior Edmonton Care Home Staffer Says they Won’t Properly Treat Unvaccinated Residents

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on October 28, 2021

Back in February of 2021, The National Telegraph was reporting on bad practices used in Alberta care homes that were putting the health and safety of vulnerable patients at risk. This article reported on the transferring of COVID-positive patients from hospitals and placing them in shared rooms in LTC, and the restrictions placed on COVID-positive patients and their roommates (whether COVID positive or not) in their rooms during their 14-day quarantine. 

Recently, TNT has been made aware of even more irresponsible, if not malicious practices, taking place in an Edmonton care home. 

David Dickson, a retired Liverpool police officer and owner of a cybersecurity firm who has been instrumental in gathering government data to show deep flaws in Alberta government and AHS practices, has been hearing reports from within Villa Caritas care home in Edmonton which he shared with TNT.

Dickson said that:

Last week I was informed through the health care workers group I support, that a senior staff member at Villa Caritas Care Home in Edmonton stated that they would “Slow Code” any person who was unvaccinated. This statement was made to another health care worker in an area that was monitored by a camera.

Dickson then went on to explain what a “Slow Code” is and why it is fully irresponsible to subject unvaccinated care home patients to that standard of care, stating that:

A “Slow Code” refers to the practice in a hospital or other medical centre to purposely respond slowly or incompletely to a patient in cardiac arrest, particularly in situations for which cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is of no medical benefit. As a retired police officer, a person intending to “Slow Code” a person in need of urgent resuscitation based on their vaccination status is nothing short of an intent to commit murder. 

This information was reported directly to The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT), a department of Alberta Justice, on Monday 25th, October 2021. Nothing happened. It was reported again on Wednesday 27th, October 2021.

This is still being ignored by management at that Department of Justice. Why is that?

The reports of a senior staff member seeming to have such ill-will towards unvaccinated patients do not seem out of character. Publications like the Toronto Star have already posted heinous quotes from Twitter such as “I have no empathy left for the wilfully unvaccinated. Let them die” on a front-page graphic – as if this is an acceptable perspective.

The Toronto Star later apologized for that front page design, but this, and other similar examples, demonstrate that there really is a deep hatred coming from MSM, social media, political parties, and professionals to wilfully discriminate against unvaccinated people, to the extent that they actively see unvaccinated people as lesser human beings, unworthy of care. 

If any staff members within care homes in Alberta are actually considering “Slow Coding” patients just for being unvaccinated, then no doubt they should not be working in those facilities, and there needs to be an investigation. All care homes, in general, should be looking out for staff members who share similar unethical views towards how unvaccinated people should be treated.

Dickson stands by the accuracy of his sources within the AHS, and care home system. He has strived to ensure bad actors do not try and take advantage of medical professionals who actually want to make a difference.

Dickson said that:

As I protect those who get attacked by the government, those who have no voice, by speaking out, I also attempt to protect innocent and desperate people from being victims of “leaders” on the so-called freedom side.

From Constitutional Lawyers filing lawsuits that do nothing but make them money, to the Sovereign Citizens (now rebranded as “Common Law” movement) taking advantage of every poor soul looking for hope telling them to “Bring Cash”, “Donate”, and “Send money for the cause”. COVID19 has become a weapon on both sides of this crisis, it’s an absolute tragedy. 

If I were still in uniform, I would arrest as many grifters and ‘common law’ proponents taking advantage of people in the freedom movement as I would those pushing the vaccine mandate agenda in the government. Sadly I continue to be shocked as my colleagues stand by and do nothing. 

To date, David Dickson and his associate Josh Switzer-Crowe have not taken in any money or donations to gather statements and the hard evidence required to help push back against the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Will any of the troubling information be investigated by the Alberta government, AHS, Edmonton Police Service, or the RCMP? If nothing is done, the only logical outcome is that unvaccinated Albertans are simply allowed to be mistreated as a way to pressure more people into becoming vaccinated, which is legally and ethically wrong. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

5 responses to “Senior Edmonton Care Home Staffer Says they Won’t Properly Treat Unvaccinated Residents”

  1. KENNEDY SONIA says:

    You guys are doing a great job informing us please continue

  2. Shelagh Lundy says:

    Where have the police in our country gone? " To serve and Protect" is their motto. If they’re not going to follow this perhaps they should get a job doing something else they can do honestly. We the people count on the police to do what they stand for, to be brave, to be our everyday heroes upholding our great nations laws and constitution. If the people lose their freedoms, so too will they. Whilst they have uniforms they ought to to do all they can to ensure our countries freedoms, for us and for them and their children. Will they choose to be the great heroes that saved our freedoms or be remembered as cowards that ran when it got tough?

  3. Stephanie hunter says:

    This happened in a rural community relating to vaccine status for my grandmother. Literally thrown in an corner ( instant isolation) and refused to care and basically made my mother do their job. This is outrageous and policies and procedures are down right ridiculous now… let’s see what feedback I get back from AHS and the Government of Alberta, oh and this particular hospital… keep fighting for people’s right and advocating… I will now more then ever. Now it’s personal on a family aspect and my career.

  4. Lyne Geddes says:

    Shame on those who continue doing things like that. The only consolation I have in all that is that their time will come because THERE IS a higher justice!! If one of my parents was in that kind of homes, I would take them out in a heartbeat. This makes me sick to my stomach.

  5. John says:

    It’s not like the Cities of Edmonton, Calgary, the Trudeau Grey Shirts and most city police forces actually give a rats butt about the people they supposably serve. As far as the city council members are concerned we just have to play our taxes and shut the hell up and do as they say