Alberta group will provide Quebec with natural gas

Written By Anthony Daoud, Posted on February 13, 2020

In the aftermath of an independent assurance process that examines ESG (environmental, social, and governance) performance, Seven Generations Energy has obtained an EO100 certification. This would allow the company to finally collaborate with Québec by striking a contract with Énergir, which is responsible for distributing 97% of Québec’s gas supply.

Through passing the ESG criteria review, Seven Generations Energy is committed to minimizing their greenhouse gas emissions, committing community investment and ensuring proper labour standards. Similar reviews have grown in popularity as companies aim to prioritize sustainability and abide by new norms regarding environmental and labour practices. 


Alberta-Québec relations have been tense in recent months, and have escalated when Premier Francois Legault made disturbing comments regarding Western energy and called Alberta’s oil “dirty energy.” Shortly after that, Québec’s legislative body, the Assemblé Nationale, unanimously passed a motion committing the province to combat climate change. This move interpreted as a slight against Alberta, who’s been subject to condemnation in recent years for their economy’s reliance on the energy industry. 

Even the Bloc Québécois has been heavily critical of Alberta with party leader, Yves Blanchet, decrying the rapidly growing Wexit movement on a CBC panel, stating their objective is to establish an independent “oil state.” 

Additionally, Québec’s lack of support for Teck Mine Frontier exacerbates said hostilities, with the $20.6 billion project expected to generate 7,000 local jobs and $70 billion in revenues, if average oil prices are above $65 WTI. Teck Resources Ltd. has also stated its commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050, though it remains unclear on how it hopes to achieve said aim.

teck mine poll.jpg

The best source of action is for Ottawa to empower Albertans and advance long-term economic growth. Member of Parliament, David Yuridga, has emphasized that Teck Mine is crucial to rectifying the qualms of western alienation. 

The contract

Currently, 44% of Québec’s gas comes from Alberta, and according to The Canadian Energy Centre over the next year, Seven Generation will supply 20% of Énergir’s gas. This comes at a time when the Québec gas distributor is making attempts to move in an environmentally-friendly and clear direction. 

In a report for JWN Energy, Tim McMillan summarizes the need for Canadian energy writing, “Our energy industry also holds world-class standards – among the best anywhere when it comes to innovation, environmental protection and responsible resource development.” 

The Seven Generation and Énergir contract can improve the two provinces’ relationship, as a gesture towards hope for future projects. Unleashing Alberta’s potential will generate profit that can be re-invested in producing greener, more sustainable technologies.

Anthony Daoud

One response to “Alberta group will provide Quebec with natural gas”

  1. Ed Messom says:

    Quebec, I would suggest you clean up these 7 issues:
    1) Huge Corruption in Quebec,
    2) Quit dumping raw sewage in Saint Lawerence River,
    3) Huge emissions from crement plant,
    4) Reclamation of lands mining for lithium,
    5) Buying Saudia Arabia dirty blood oil,
    6) Quit being a leech and taking Transfer payments from Alberta, $13B 2020, Disgraceful!!
    7) Correct the destruction of land that hydro dams have destroyed!