Pornography has proven to be addictive, but why? Well, porn creates large amounts of dopamine, which excites the brain. Dopamine is something that humans crave, and it is also found in drugs and the doing of activities such as shopping or extreme sports. The brain craves that dopamine hits, and always want more. However, the massive amounts of dopamine that porn gives off can damage the brain’s dopamine captors, which makes them less respondent to dopamine, hence requiring more substantial amounts of it to be satisfied.
Earlier in the week, Alberta’s New Democratic Party (NDP) voted against a United Conservative Party (UCP) motion designed to protect Alberta gun owners from the federal Liberal government’s broad gun ban announced a couple of months back. UCP Environment Minister Jason Nixon, regarding his firearms motion, said that “All of the United Conservative Party members […]
It’s time for the Conservative party to adapt to the times, and when I say that, I don’t mean need changing social or fiscal issues policies.
What we need to be asking ourselves as conservatives are, yes, who best represents our values, but also who can best present those values on camera? This may sound like a shallow concern; however, it is not. We need to heed the lessons of 2016 Donald Trump in the states and 2019 re-election of Trudeau over Andrew Scheer.
In both of these elections, a critical factor with the winning party was their leader’s ability to perform or ‘act’ on TV: it’s no secret that one of the only things Trudeau can do correctly is hair flips on television, and it’s undeniable the decades of being a reality TV star gave Trump the edge over his opponents in 2016.
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh made headlines yesterday, June 17th, after getting kicked out of the House of Commons, following a spat with Bloc MP Alain Therrien. Singh accused Therrien of being a racist and then refusing to retract the charge. Mr. Singh’s gaffes as a rookie continued with another tangent about racism/systemic racism following his […]
Last night one old Tweet from the Liberal Party resurfaced of them criticizing former Conservative Prime Minister Steven Harper for failing to secure a UNSC seat as well, but back in 2010 when Harper lost Canada, still garnered 114 votes, six more than the Liberals did.
Jewish American leadership at every level has abdicated its place through its cowardice, side hedging, and lukewarm responses. It might not even exist.
The RCMP confirmed the couple billed Canadian taxpayers $56,384 as of January 22nd, 2020, despite amassing a net worth of $30 million. The costs following January 22nd are not yet known, while RCMP salary costs were not disclosed, citing “security reasons.”
“I am disappointed that the government refuses to even provide a new date for the release of this important report and instead blames the delay on Covid-19. Families have been waiting long enough. At the same time, the Minister is asking for $6 million in additional funding to respond to the Inquiry. Without the government’s response, how will anyone know if the funding is actually going to help the families of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.”
“We as a society have dropped the ball on how we treat our most elderly in the years they look after themselves with social support mechanisms that ensure they are safe and secure. That has continued during COVID, and it’s not unique to Alberta or B.C., or who the owner was to those facilities.”
Bianconi stated, “If they can treat me the way they have, what can they do to somebody who doesn’t have the fortitude to stand up to them? I would hate for any young person to move to Sudbury or to come out of the closet to be forced back in because they don’t seem to fit the Marxist status quo.”
[…] National Telegraph […]