If Google News is forced to begin paying any media source that they host on their platform then they may have to be more selective of who will be hosted, which is going to affect smaller independent media companies first.
O’Toole and the Conservative Party leadership by constantly getting rid of, or demoting, MPs who are firebrands in their areas of political expertise are merely causing self-inflicted wounds. They are only alienating more the CPC’s base and for no clear benefit when it comes to attracting new voters.
It seems rather odd that while in many provinces all “non-essential” businesses are shut down or restricted in their operations, and many people have gone unemployed, that the federal Conservative party is breaking donation records.
The situation in Chilliwack has been exasperated by the activities of the Chilliwack Progress which has shown a constant bias against conservatives and is now serving as a virtual agent for Carin Bondar defending her against all questions and of course framing the issue in completely deceptive ways, and even publishing her advertising sign free of charge, all while Elections BC looks the other way.
After a prison riot in St. Louis, Democratic politicians and activists take the side of the violent inmates over supposed “urgent needs” that had not been met.
At the start of the year when the first vaccines started to hit the market, the Conservatives made the claim that “Canada was last in line for vaccines”. This was met with a chorus of ridicule for the Liberals and the media when Canada was the third country to put a needle in someone’s arm. […]
The local Chilliwack news publication, The Chilliwack Progress, a subsidiary of Black Press, seems to be dedicated to pushing the particularly strange school board trustee candidate Carin Bondar in the upcoming by-election.
However, it seems the r/WallStreetBets has turned the tables on overly leveraged hedge fund positions. By mobilizing a massive buy of the stock the hedge fund at the centre of the controversy Melvin Capital has found themselves massively out-of-the-money on this short position and now has to panic buy the stock to meet their obligations.
Kenney stated upfront that both he and the United Conservative Party are “categorically against The Great Reset. I think the whole idea is frankly cockamamie,” going on to also refer to The Great Reset ideas as “crazyville” and that he has “consistently opposed” it.
The politicians and political staffers who came up with the idea to stick air travelers in quarantine hotels for COVID-19 testing and “isolation sites” for positive cases, seemed at first to be just extremely bureaucratic with their unreasonable measures, but through the implementation of the isolation policies, they have become downright authoritarian.
[…] National Telegraph […]