In case you weren’t aware, the leadership review vote for Erin O’Toole following the Conservative Party’s recent underperformance at the polls has already taken place. Were you aware this had happened? It seems that the fly-by-night nature of the vote has kept many Conservative Party members unaware of what is going on.
Dickson collected screenshots of the federal government’s data on their website that showed between October 2 and October 16 that the number of children under the age 12-years-old who have received at least one vaccine is slowly decreasing over time.
It seemed blatantly irresponsible to the average Albertan for AHS to decide it did not need around 25 percent of its entire workforce, casual or not, and so AHS is now having to reorganize its plans for mandating the vaccine for healthcare professionals.
That left only Belinda Karahalios as the lone MPP of the New Blue Party to raise public awareness and have constituents lobby their MPPs to shut down the bill. Per the results of today’s vote, she and New Blue were successful in their attempt to stop this massive government overreach as she continues to be a thorn in the side of Doug Ford as he tries to run away from any conservative policy.
Did the AHS suspend or fire 26,255 members of staff just to raise their vaccination statistics at a time when the AHS has been claiming that staffing shortages are hurting their ability to operate?
Central Alberta resident and business owner Pam Davidson is running as a Conservative candidate in Alberta’s Senate nomination election looking to bring a stronger voice to the conservative grassroots, regardless of whether they are in the Conservative Party or an alternative like the PPC or Maverick Party.
Albertans should be concerned with the competence of the managers of AHS if they say they can increase ICU capacity by more than 1,000 beds, yet months later are in a state of panic over not having enough beds to deal with the spike in hospitalizations for COVID-19. During the 4th wave spike, there were even times when AHS was using less than 300 beds.
The “natural experiments” they made were simply looking at statistics in an overly specific scenario; only measuring certain aspects of the equation, and then making claims that contradict the law of supply and demand (the undeniable force natural selection applied to the economy). If you know anything about economics, you know this law cannot be violated without catastrophic results.
A lot of Calgarians have taken it for granted that just because Naheed Nenshi is not running for reelection as mayor that the city is moving away from trends of yearly increases in property taxes. It seems unthinkable that anyone in the year 2021 would be foolish enough to continue making it more expensive to live in Calgary while downtown is facing an office vacancy rate of 30 percent, but to politicians supported by Big Union money, it’s a no-brainer.
BREAKING: Today the Icelandic health authorities have suspended the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for all age groups. This comes on the heels of other Nordic countries stopping the use of Moderna for people under 30.
[…] National Telegraph […]